Hannah Kinsey


  • 0.17 Chemistry

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I would be delighted to become a secondary supervisor to a PhD student, particularly in the areas of qualitative research, design-based research, longitudinal research and education research.

Personal profile

Academic Background

Hannah is the Course Director of the Newly Qualified Pharmacist (NQP) Training Programme at the University of East Anglia. Hannah has a strong interest in educational research, having completed her PhD in 2020, which explored introducing a new type of training model for foundation pharmacists – longitudinal placements. Longitudinal placements on hospital wards are now being introduced into foundation training programmes at hospitals across England. Hannah continues to have strong research interests in social learning theories and how these apply in the context of pharmacist education and training.

Hannah is responsible for delivering the ‘Research Skills’ module on the NQP Programme, which equips pharmacists with the knowledge and skills required for undertaking small-scale, quality improvement, service evaluation or research projects and is aligned to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s Post-registration foundation curriculum

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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