Projects per year
Personal profile
Academic Background
2003 MSc Medical Statistics Leicester University
1996 PhD Health Psychology Loughborough University
1990 BSc Human Psychology Loughborough University
Registered Practitioner Psychologist, Health Professions Council
Chartered Psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society
Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
2010 - : Professor of Health Services Research, UEA
2013 - 2018: Executive Dean/PVC Faculty of Social Sciences, UEA
2010 - 2013: Head of School of Rehabilitation Sciences, UEA
2003 - 2010: Professor of Health Services Research & Deputy Head Of School of Nursing, Midwifery & Physiotherapy, University of Nottingham
1998 - 2003: Senior Lecturer in Child Health, School of Human Development, University of Nottingham
1993 - 1998: Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences, School of Community Health Sciences, University of Nottingham
1990 - 1993: Fixed Term Research Assistants Posts Loughborough University & Nottingham City Hospital
Key Responsibilities
2013-2018 Committee Membership
- Adapt Group Executive Board
- Athena Swan Central Steering Group
- Council Member
- Email Security Task and Finish Group
- Equality and Diversity Committee
- Executive Team
- Executive Team – Resources
- Honorary Degrees and Appointments Committee
- InCrops & CBE Advisory Board
- Joint Venture Boards
- Low Carbon Innovation Fund
- Senate
- Space Planning and Management Group
- SSF Faculty Executive
- SSF Promotions Committee
- University Health and Safety Executive
- University Policy Half Days
- University Promotions Committee
- Web and Portal Development Group
Research Group or Lab Membership
PhD supervision
I am looking to supervise PhD students in the following areas:
Quality of life in childhood
Chronic childhood illness
Parenting and chronic illness
Teenage pregnancy
Decision-making, health information
Secondary analysis of datasets (eg 1970 British Birth Cohort)
Intervention studies, including cluster RCTs
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Questionnaires and surveys
Psychometric development
Mixed methods research (with qualitative colleagues)
Current Supervision
2012: Joint supervision of Lisa McDaid F/T Social currency of teenage pregnancy.
2011: Joined the supervision team of Fan Wang F/T Does prosody matter? Speech prosody in health communication: evidence from native and non-native English speaking medical students in a simulated clinical interaction
Previous Supervision at the University Of Nottingham
2008 - 2012: Joint supervision of Rami Masa’deh F/T (funded by the Applied Science Private University in Jordan) Differences between Jordanian mothers and fathers in the experience of caring for a child with cancer. PhD awarded 2012.
2006 - 2007: Joint supervision of Rebecca Fowler F/T. MRC/ESRC funded 1+3 PhD. Policy, practice and user-enagement in relation to the antenatal and postnatal care that pregnant teenagers receive. Co-supervision with Prof Elizabeth Murphy (Sociology and Social Policy). Distinction gained for the Masters element. Student withdrew without commencing the +3 PhD.
2005 - 2009: Joint supervision of Joanne Cooper. F/T. ESRC funded +3 PhD. Living with inflammatory bowel disease. PhD awarded 2009.
2002 - 2008: P/T. Supervision of Dr Helen Heussler for part-time MD. An investigation of the associations between adenotonsillectomy and changes in behaviour, sleep and cognitive function. MD awarded 2008.
2001 - 2010: P/T. Joint supervision of Kim Watts. Repeat teenage pregnancies: secondary analysis of a hospital database. Studies suspended 2005-2007. PhD awarded 2010
2001 - 2005: Joint supervision of Dr Muna al-Sadoon (Oman Government funding). F/T. Inter-generational experiences of, and attitudes towards, corporal punishment in Omani families. PhD awarded 2005.
1996 - 2000: Supervision of Sarah Redsell P/T “A study examining the psychosocial characteristics of bedwetting children and the impact of a multimedia program and written information on treatment outcomes”. PhD awarded 2000.
Key Research Interests
Quality of life in childhood
Chronic childhood illness
Parenting and chronic illness
Teenage pregnancy
1970 British Birth Cohort
Decision-making, health information
Multidisciplinary approaches
Secondary analysis of datasets
Intervention studies, including cluster RCTs
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Questionnaires and surveys
Psychometric development
Mixed methods research (with qualitative colleagues)
Completed projects
The Barretstown Camp Fund. Evaluation of the Barretstown activity camp, Jan 2008 to Jan 2011; £112K.
Sam Dickson Trust. Pathways II. Tackling delays in diagnosis of brain tumours in childhood. 12 months commencing in January 2007. PI, Prof D. Walker £44,500.
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Recognising Acute Illness in Children. 12 months commencing March 2006, £12,000.
National Eye Research centre. Patient education in the treatment of amblyopia. 12months Feb 2005 – Jan 2006. PI Prof I Gottlob, £30,000.
National Patient Safety Agency. Scoping study to identify and analyse interventions used to reduce errors in calculation of paediatric drug doses. 18 months Feb 2005 – Dec 2006. PI, Dr Ian Wong, UCL. £124,470.
Community Fund (in collaboration with the Sam Dickson Trust). Tackling delays in diagnosis of brain tumours in childhood. 30 months commencing in March 2004. £105,200.
Alcohol Education & Research Council. Secondary analysis of British Cohort data to investigate antecedents of drinking habits of 30 year olds. 9 months commencing in November 2001. £20, 000.
Proprietary Association of Great Britain. Use of over the counter medicines in children. A community based project to assess the patterns of use of over the counter medications in children. 12 months commencing in April 2000. £22,000.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 7 Finished
IF-IAA-ESRC-16 University of East Anglia 2017 - LINKED TO O200970
Economic and Social Research Council
18/09/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Other
GCRF-IAA-ESRC-20 University of East Anglia 2016
Economic and Social Research Council
1/08/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Other
Born talking: using birth cohort data on speech, language and communication to inform policy and practice
Mcallister, J., Brandon, M., Collier, J., Lakhanpaul, M., Law, J., Lee, W. & Wren, Y.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/10/14 → 31/03/17
Project: Research
Spatial communication systems across languages reflect universal action constraints
Coventry, K. R., Gudde, H. B., Diessel, H., Collier, J., Guijarro-Fuentes, P., Vulchanova, M., Vulchanov, V., Todisco, E., Reile, M., Breunesse, M., Plado, H., Bohnemeyer, J., Bsili, R., Caldano, M., Dekova, R., Donelson, K., Forker, D., Park, Y., Pathak, L. S., Peeters, D., & 25 others , Dec 2023, In: Nature Human Behaviour. 7, 12, p. 2099–2110 12 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile3 Citations (Scopus)8 Downloads (Pure) -
Variation in first-generation L1 deictic systems: Language attrition and bilingualism effects
Vulchanova, M., Collier, J., Guijarro-Fuentes, P. & Vulchanov, V., Feb 2023, In: International Journal of Bilingualism. 27, 1, p. 104-121 18 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile2 Citations (Scopus)24 Downloads (Pure) -
The temporal dynamics of deictic communication
Todisco, E., Guijarro-Fuentes, P., Collier, J. & Coventry, K., Apr 2021, In: First Language. 41, 2, p. 154-178 25 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile13 Citations (SciVal)22 Downloads (Pure) -
Shrinking your deictic system: How far can you go?
Vulchanova, M., Guijarro-Fuentes, P., Collier, J. & Vulchanov, V., 2 Dec 2020, In: Frontiers in Psychology. 11, 575497.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile4 Citations (Scopus)28 Downloads (Pure) -
An exploration of the concepts of loss and grief as stress responses in Middle Eastern parents of children with cancer
Masa'deh, R., Hall, C. & Collier, J., 1 Jun 2017, In: Global Journal of Health Science. 9, 6Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile20 Downloads (Pure)