Projects per year
Personal profile
I am a Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour and joined the Norwich Business School in 2009, from Newcastle University.
2009 - : Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, Norwich Business School, UEA
2006 - 2009: Principal Research Associate, Business School, Newcastle University
2002 - 2006: Senior Lecturer, Business School, Newcastle University
2000 - 2002: Principal Research Associate, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University
1988 - 2000: Research Associate and Senior Research Associate, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University
Teaching Interests
My teaching is focused on the themes of information management, innovation and organisational transformation. I am the Course Leader for the BSc in Business Analytics and Management and I currently lead three modules:
- NBS-6115B (Critical Issues in Project Mangement)
- NBS-7018A (Brands, Change and Innovation)
- NBS-5116A (Information and Data Management)
I also teach on a number of other modules on the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and MBA programmes.
Key Research Interests
My research and teaching is concerned with multi-agency organisational change in the public sector, organisational change associated with information and communication technologies, regional development processes and management in the cultural and creative industries.
I have been principal investigator or co-investigator on research projects for the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and a number of UK government departments, development agencies and local authorities.
I was the co-founder of the Centre for Social and Business Informatics (SBI) (now part of the Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise - KITE) at Newcastle University. I currently hold a visiting fellowship with KITE.
I am a member of EPSRC Peer Review College and a regularly review proposals for the ESRC.
Selected Publications
Sugden, R. Wilson, R. Cornford, J. (2008), ‘Re-configuring the health supplier market', Health Informatics Journal, 14(2):113-24.(Special issue on Integrated Care Records).
Richter, P. and Cornford, J. (2008), ‘Customer Relationship Management and Citizenship: Technologies and Identities in Public Services,' Social Policy and Society, 7(2): 211-220.
Wilson, R., Baines, S., Cornford, J and Martin, M. (2007) ‘Trying to do a jigsaw without the picture on the box' Understanding the challenges of care integration in the context of single assessment for older people in England, International Journal of Integrated Care, 7 (April-June): 1-11. (Special Issue on Infrastructures to support integrated care: connecting across institutional and professional boundaries [available at]
Cornford, J. and Richter, P. (2007) ‘Customer focus in UK e-government: Or, putting the politics back into e-government', International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 2(1): 34-46. [available at,Cornford,Richter.pdf]
McLoughlin, I. and Cornford, J. (2006) ‘Transformational Change in the Local State? Enacting e-Government in English local Authorities', Journal of Management and Organisation. 12(3): 195-208.
Walsh, S, Baines, S and Cornford, J (2005), ‘E-enabled Active Welfare: Creating the Context for Work-Life Balance?' in Perrons, D., McDowell, L., Fagan, C., Ray, K. and Ward, K., ed. Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy: Public Policy and Changing Patterns of Work in Europe and North America. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Pollock, N and Cornford, J. (2004), ‘Customising Industry Standard Computer Systems for Universities: ERP systems and the University as a "Unique" organisation' Information Technology and People, 17(1): 31-52. [Selected by the editors as best paper inInformation Technology and People, 2004]
Richter, P, Cornford, J and McLoughlin, I (2004), 'The e-Citizen as talk, as text and as technology: CRM and e-Government', Electronic Journal of e-Government, 2(3): 207-218. [Available at]
Cornford, J. (2003), ‘New media as a social fact: researching as shaping', Irish Communications Review, 9 (10 pages) [Available at]
Cornford, J. (2003), ‘The Evolution of the Information Society and Regional Development in Europe' pp. 15-32 in Avgerou, C. Lèbre la Rovere, R. (eds) Information Systems and the Economics Of Innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Cornford, J. and Pollock, N. (2002), Putting the University Online: Information, Technology and Organisational Change. Buckingham: Open University Press/SRHE.
Pollock, N. and Cornford, J. (2002), Theory and practice of the Virtual University: Working through the work of making work mobile, Minerva, 40(4): 359-373.
Cornford, J. and Pollock, N (2002), Working through the Work of Making Work Mobile , pp. 87-104 in Robins, Kevin and Webster, Frank (Eds.) , The Virtual University: Knowledge, Markets, and Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Goddard J and Cornford J. (2002), ‘The university, ICTs and Development in the Information Society', PP. 34-41 in R. Mansell, R. Samarajiva and A. Mahan (eds) Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions and Interventions (Festschrift for Bill Melody). Delft: Delft University Press.
Cornford, J. and Pollock, N. (2002), ‘The campus as a resourceful constraint: process and practice in the construction of the virtual university', pp. 170-181 in Lea, M. and Nicholl, K. (eds) Distributed Learning: Social and Cultural Approaches to Practice. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Gillespie, A., Richardson, R. and Cornford, J. (2001), ‘Regional development and the new economy', European Investment Bank Papers, 6(1): 109-131. [Available at]
Goddard, J and Cornford, J. (2001), ‘Space, place and the virtual university: the virtual university is the university made concrete', pp. 131-140 in van der Molen, H J (Ed.), Virtual University? Educational Environments of the Future, London, Portland Press.
Pike, A. Cornford, J. and Tomaney, J., (2001), ‘Plant closure and the local economy: the case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside', in J. Tomaney and N. Ward (Eds.), A Region in Transition: North East England at the Millennium. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Cornford, J. (2000), ‘The Virtual University is… the University Made Concrete?', Information, Communication and Society, 3(4): 1-18. (reprintedin Dutton, W. H. and Loader, B. (Eds) Digital Academe: New Media in Higher Education and Learning, Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2001)
Lagendijk, A. and Cornford, J. (2000), ‘Regional institutions and knowledge – tracking new forms of regional development policy',Geoforum 31(2): 209-218.
Pike, A., Cornford, J. and Tomaney, J., (2000), ‘Defence closure and job loss: the case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside', Defence and Peace Economics, 11: 301-312.
Naylor, R., Driver, S. and Cornford, J. (2000), ‘New Media and Public Service Broadcasting: The BBC goes online', pp. 137-148 in D. Gauntlett (Ed.) Web.Studies: Rewiring Media Studies for the Digital Age. Edward Arnold/OUP.
Cornford, J., Naylor, R and Driver, S. (2000), ‘New Media and Regional Development' pp. 83-108 in Giunta, A., Lagendijk, A. and Pike, A. (Eds.) Restructuring Industry and Territory: The Experience of Europe's Regions. London: The Stationary Office.
Cornford, J., Gillespie, A. and Richardson, R. (2000), ‘Regional development in the information society' pp. 21-44 in K. Ducatel, J. Webster and W. Hermann, (eds.), Social and Societal Aspects of the Information Society in Europe. Rowman and Littlefield.
Tomaney, J., Pike, A. and Cornford, J. (1999), ‘Plant closure and the local economy: the case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside', Regional Studies, 33(5): 401-412.
Cornford, J. and Robins, K. (1999), ‘New media', pp. 108-125 in J. Stokes and A. Reading (eds.) The Media in Britain: Current Debates and Developments. London: Macmillan.
Cornford, J. and Gillespie, A. (1999), ‘The Geography of Network Access', pp 255-256 in W.H. Dutton (ed.) Society on the Line. Oxford: OUP.
Cornford, J. (1999), ‘Counting Computers, or why we are not well informed about the information society', pp. 384-390 in D. Dorling and L. Simpson, (eds.) Statistics and Society, London: Edward Arnold.
- Electronic Information Resources
- Social Work & Sociology
- The family
- Social pathology
- Local government
- 3 Finished
Benchmarking Exeter Data Research Project
Chief Fire Officers Association
1/10/16 → 30/11/17
Project: Research
Regionalising adoption in Yorkshire and Humberside: a research project
Neil, B., Cornford, J. & Young, J.
1/05/16 → 30/04/17
Project: Research
Smart Data Analytics for Business and Local Government
Hancock, R., Sena, V., Coakley, J., Cornford, J., De La Iglesia, B., Fasli, M., Fearne, A., Forder, J., Harwood, A., Hviid, M., Jones, A., Kulinskaya, E., Laurie, H., Lovett, A., Schofield, G., Appleton, K., Morciano, M. & Sunnenberg, G.
Economic and Social Research Council
31/01/14 → 31/10/20
Project: Research
Artificial intelligence–assisted detection of diabetic retinopathy on digital fundus images: concepts and applications in the National Health Service
Kouroupis, M., Korfiatis, N. & Cornford, J., 2020, Innovation in Health Informatics: A Smart Healthcare Primer. Elsevier, p. 261-278 18 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
1 Citation (Scopus) -
Reducing the resource acquisition costs for returnee entrepreneurs: role of Chinese national science parks
Xia, S., Xiong, Y., Zhang, M., Cornford, J., Liu, Y., Lim, M. K., Cao, D. & Chen, F., 14 Oct 2020, In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 26, 7, p. 1627-1657 31 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile10 Citations (Scopus)15 Downloads (Pure) -
A ‘Tripadvisor’ for disability? Social enterprise and ‘digital disruption’ in Australia
McLoughlin, I., McNicoll, Y., Beecher Kelk, A., Cornford, J. & Hutchinson, K., 21 Mar 2019, In: Information, Communication & Society. 22, 4, p. 521-537 17 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile18 Citations (Scopus)14 Downloads (Pure) -
Competing institutional logics of information sharing in public services: Why we often seem to be talking at cross-purposes when we talk about information sharing
Cornford, J., Jun 2019, In: Public Money & Management. 39, 5, p. 336-345 10 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile3 Citations (Scopus)33 Downloads (Pure) -
Data-driven innovation in the social sector in Australasia—data ecosystems and interpretive communities
McLoughlin, I., McNicoll, Y., Cornford, J. & Davenport, S., 23 May 2019, In: Public Money & Management. 39, 5, p. 327-335 9 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
5 Citations (Scopus)