Personal profile


Jason joined the School of Computing Sciences as an undergraduate student in 2007, studying a BSc in Computing Sciences at UEA. He graduated with first class honours in 2010 and then began a PhD later that year under the supervision of Dr. Tony Bagnall with the title Time Series Classification through Transformation and Ensembles. Towards the end of his PhD, Jason moved to the USA to work as a data science intern for Apple Inc., before then returning to the UK to complete his PhD and begin a research position in CMP. He was the named researcher on a fully-funded EPSRC proposal led by Dr. Bagnall, and after working as a Senior Research Associate in CMP for a year and a half, Jason was offered a faculty position to become a Lecturer in Computing Sciences at UEA.

Jason's current research interests are in machine learning generally, and specifically relating to time series classification with an emphasis on real-time and on-chip classification. He is CO-I on EPSRC grant EP/M015807/1: The Collective of Transform Ensembles (COTE) for Time Series Classification

Jason is currently teaching on: Programming 1 (first year), Data Structures and Algorithms (second year), and Machine Learning (third year).

Key Research Interests

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Director of Employability

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