Projects per year
Personal profile
Academic Background
Registered General Nurse
Registered Midwife
ENB100 Intensive Care Nursing Course
Diploma in Nursing
Mentorship Preparation programme
BSc (hons) Nursing Practice
Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education
Masters in Higher Education
1981-1984 Student Nurse training
1984-1988 Staff Nurse Intensive care Unit
1988-1989 Student midwife training
1989-1990 Staff midwife, neonatal intensive care unit
1990-1994 Staff Nurse Intensive care Unit
1994-2000 Career break
2000-2006 Midwife, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn
2006-2008 Secondment to University East Anglia as Midwifery Lecturer
2008-2009 Labour Ward Coordinator, Central Delivery Suite, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn
2009-Present Lecturer in Midwifery, University of East Anglia
Key Research Interests
Awarded Teaching Fellowship to investigate and research the possibilities of using podcasting in teaching and learning (2007)
Conducted small scale case study research project as dissertation for Masters Degree. This explored the perceptions and needs of student midwives and their mentors in relation to the curriculum. It was conducted using qualitative research methods and used a mixed method approach to data gathering.
Jointly presented a paper at a regional conference in September 2011regarding the use of blended learning in the pre registration midwifery curriculum.
Awarded a research fellowship grant of £20,000 in January 2013 by the Royal College of Midwives’ and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to conduct a one year pilot study examining whether the use of ‘red flags’ may help midwives to identify women who may be at risk of serious pathology in pregnancy.
Young N. and Randall J. (2013) The use of Blended Learning to create a module about ill health during childbirth for pre registration midwifery students. Nurse Education in Practice March 2013
Submitted abstract to International Midwives Conference in Maastricht -March 2013.
February 2013- Visit to Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belgaum, India to form a collaboration and partnership to reinforce and make more robust the midwifery training in the institute. Submitted a grant application in April 2013 for £50,000 to continue this work.
Teaching Interests
- Teaching on all modules of the 3 year and 84 week Midwifery programmes
- Module leader for module 4 (complicated childbirth) of the three year midwifery programme
- Module leader for Ambulance Provision relating to childbirth (regional)
- Module leader for Post Registration Modules: Foundations for Neonatal Care, High dependency Neonatal Care and Intensive Neonatal Care
- Teaching Childbirth to Operating Department Technicians and student nurses
- Teaching on post registration midwifery and nursing programmes
- Marking and moderating Pre and post Registration Midwifery papers
- Moderating scripts for the post registration neonatal nursing courses
- Academic Advice to pre and post registration students
- Link lecturer to a large delivery suite that conducts approximately 6,000 deliveries per year
- Enterprise and engagement activities working with children from deprived backgrounds that may not have chosen a university career.
- Outreach activity with schools across the county.
- 2 Finished
Can the use of red flags help midwives to identify women at risk of serious pathology?
Needham, J. & Crozier, K.
3/04/13 → 2/04/14
Project: Research