Personal profile

Teaching Interests

MA in Social Work
Year 1: Relationship-based practice, Case analysis.
Year 2: Working in Organisations.

BA in Social Work
Year 2: Social Work Skills

In addition Jeanette contribute's to teaching across the course on Communicating with Children, Safeguarding Children and Supporting Parents 


Dr Jeanette Cossar joined the School as a lecturer in 2006. Her undergraduate degree was a BA (Hons) in Social and Political Sciences from Cambridge University. Following this she completed an MA in Philosophy as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Memphis. After working for several years in further education and the social care field, Jeanette came to UEA in 2002 to study for her masters degree in Social Work. After this she worked as a childcare social worker in a local authority area team working in intake and assessment and with looked after children. In both teaching and research Jeanette is interested in service user perspectives on welfare services, particularly how children and young people understand and participate in child protection services. Jeanette has an interest in involving service users in research, and has recently worked with young researchers on two research studies for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England. Within the School she is Director of Learning and Teaching Quality.

Key Research Interests

Service user views of social work services are Jeanette's central research interest. In particular her research has focused on children’s and young people’s views of welfare services. Jeanette is interested in children’s understanding of abuse and neglect and the sense that they make of social work involvement in their lives. She has focused on children’s and young people’s understanding of social work processes and the extent to which they feel involved and participate in decision making. Jeanette has an interest in involving young people in the research process, particularly those with experience or knowledge of the topics being researched. In her latest research study for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner young people were employed as young researchers throughout the project.

Current and recent research projects:

Investigation of the experiences & identity development of LGBT young people in care & the support they receive (2014-2016)

Mentalisation and social work education, with the Anne Freud Centre (2013-2015)

Recognition and telling: Developing earlier routes to safety for Children and Young People (2011–2013)

Children's and Young People's views of the child protection process (2010–2011) 

Researching Adoption Support (2005-10)

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or