Personal profile


Professor John Greenaway joined UEA in 1975 when Politics was first introduced to the University.  He read History as an undergraduate at Cambridge before receiving a Ph.D in Politics at the University of Leeds in 1974. He previously taught at the University of Durham 1973-75.  In the 1990s he was co-ordinator of the Norwich and mid Norfolk Charter 88 group.  He is a frequent commentator on political affairs in the local media.

Key Research Interests

John Greenaway has researched into three areas. The first is the history of the British civil service.  The second is the area of policy making, applying policy making theories to particular case studies, including some local ones such as the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital PFI scheme and the Norwich Inner Ring Road.  The third, and most recent, has been the politics of alcohol in Britain since 1830.  As well as the monograph Drink and British Politics since 1830 (Palgrave 2003)  He is the author of articles in leading journals such as Public Administration and  Political Studies

Key Responsibilities

  He is currently Senior Adviser in the School  and also Course director of the undergraduate teaching course programmes.

Areas of Expertise

British government; British Civil Service (historical perspective); history of political parties; British Conservatism; history of alcohol policy and temperance in Britain; policy-making theory.

Teaching Interests

  He teaches the modules Topics in British Politics (second year); Whitehall  and  Policy Making in Britain both third year). He also organises the third year undergraduate Parliamentary Research placement scheme whereby third year students research a policy issue for one of the local MPs.