Personal profile

Key Research Interests

Judith's main research interests are in the area of paediatric psychology including:

  • psychological aspects of paediatric allergy
  • chronic illness in childhood and adolescence
  • anxiety and post traumatic stress in paediatric settings
  • evidence based and evidence informed psychological interventions for children, parents and families


Judith currently holds a HEE/NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship Award. She is Chief Investigator on the PANACHE Study (Parent ANxiety About CHild food allErgy). Judith's research focusses on psychological aspects of food allergy in children, parents and families. Clinically, she works as an Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the Children's Psychological Medicine Service and Allergy Clinic at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. She was the founding Chair of the Allergy SIG PPN-UK (2019-20). Her clinical, academic and research expertise is in paediatric psychology.  She was the first BPS PPN-UK International Representative for Paediatric Psychology (2015-18). 

Judith first became interested in clinical psychology while studying a BSc. in Biological Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, where she was awarded the Keasbey Memorial Foundation Prize for academic achievement. Following graduation, she joined a clinical research team investigating sources of staff stress and satisfaction in NHS and social service residential care settings.  She completed clinical training at the University of Leeds, where she was awarded the James Mencher Research Prize for her thesis on autobiographical memory in chronic pain.  Since qualifying in 1992, Judith has worked in clinical psychology services in Cambridge, Norfolk and New Zealand. 

Academically, Judith was appointed as a Clinical Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology in 2021. Prior to this she was a Clinical Senior Lecturer since 2016. She was awarded Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in 2015.  Judith was the Curriulum Lead and Academic Tutor on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme, where she led a programme of change, updating the curriculum in line with HCPC and BPS standards (2014-18). Prior to this, Judith had been a Clinical Lecturer and Service Project Tutor on the UEA ClinPsyD course.  In this role, she developed engagement opportunities between UEA and NHS providers in the East of England, co-ordinating the provision of service evaluation projects carried out by trainee clincial psychologists in the NHS. Early in her academic career, Judith worked as an Associate Lecturer for the Open University in Cambridge from 2007-2008, delivering an Exploring Psychology module to adult distance learners. She also provided teaching on paediatric psychology to trainee clinical psychologists as an Associate Tutor at UEA (2008-2013).

Clinically, she has a breadth of experience, having worked as a member of multi-disciplinary paediatric allergy, cystic fibrosis, oncology and diabetes teams.  Within her general paediatric practice, she has clinical experience of the psychological aspects of pain, medically unexplained symptoms and palliative care.  Judith has been Clinical Paediatric Psychology Lead for an out-patient and in-patient service for children and their families. Judith now holds an Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist position at Addenbrookes Cambridge University Hospital Trust. 


Academic Background


Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Practice, University of East Anglia, 2018

Chartered Clinical Psychologist, British Psychological Society, 1994
MSc. Clinical Psychology, University of Leeds, 1992
BSc. Biological Sciences, Honours Psychology, University of Edinburgh, 1989                                                 


Research Prize, University of Leeds, 1992
Academic Prize, University of Edinburgh, 1989


Clinical Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology (2021 to date)

HEE/NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow (2018 to date)

Clinical Senior Lecturer, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme, University of East Anglia (2016-18)

Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Paediatrics, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge (2015 to date)

Clinical Lecturer, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme, UEA (2014-16)

Clinical Tutor, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme, UEA (2013-2014)

Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn (2007-2014)

Associate Tutor, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme, UEA (2008-2013)

Associate Lecturer, Open University, Cambridge (2007-2008)

Clinical Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Norwich (1997-2001)

Clinical Psychologist, Norfolk Mental Health Care Trust, Norwich (1996)

Clinical Psychologist, Child and Family Specialist Service, Christchurch, New Zealand (1995)

Clinical Psychologist, Adult Mental Health, Norwich (1992-1994)

Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Leeds/Yorkshire Health Authority (1990-1992)

Research/Assistant Psychologist, Meanwood Park Hospital, Leeds (1989-1990)

Key Responsibilities

NIHR Research Fellow (2018 to date)

Academic Tutor and Curriculum Lead on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme (2014-2018)

Disability Liaison Officer for Postgraduate Students (DLO-PG MED) across the School of Medicine (2015-2018)

Chair of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme Curriculum Committee (2015-2018)

Member of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme Joint Training Committee (2014-2018)

Member of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme Executive Committee and Exam Board (2015-2018)

Service Related Project (SRP) Tutor on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme (2013-2016)

Enterprise and Engagement Activities

Clinical Research Lead, as an Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist, I Chair a Research In Clinical Practice Group facilitating engagement for trainee clinical psychology applied research in NHS settings (2015 onwards)

Chair of Parent and Carer Advisory Group on the PANACHE Study (2018 onwards)

Engagement Lead of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme Trainee UEA-NHS Service Related Project (SRP) service evaluation, clinical audit and small scale research projects across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (2013-2016)

UEA Representative on the East of England Division of Clinical Psychology Committee (2013-15)

Teaching Interests

Judith teaches on the postgraduate Doctorate Programme in Clinical Psychology, with specific interests in: clinical health psychology; paediatric psychology; evidence based psychological approaches to managing medical procedures in children; cognitive behaviour therapy with children and parents; creative approaches to working therapeutically with children and clinically relevant research, service evaluation and clinical audit. She is a ClinPsyD doctoral thesis research supervisor.  Juidth has been an advisor to trainee clinical psychologists.

Postgraduate Research Student Supervision

Paediatric Clinical Psychology

Supervision of current and recent doctorate in clincial psychology research theses include:

  • Psychological aspects of paediatric allergy
  • Post traumatic stress and anxiety in paediatrics
  • Psychological aspects of paediatric psychology including: gastoenterology, diabetes, cancer, cystic fibrosis, cleft lip and palate
  • Research with children, adolescents, parents, families

Teaching Activities

  • Academic Tutor for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Training Programme Curriculum (2014-2018)
  • SRP Tutor on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychgology Training Programme (2013-2016) providing teaching to Trainee Clinical Psychologists, Programme Staff and NHS Clinical Supervisors on the SRP project, service evaluation and clinical audit collaborations between the NHS and UEA
  • Teaching on: the Clinical Health Psychology Module (2008-2018); Research Module, Core Clinical Psychology Module and Child and Young Person Module (2013-2018); Evidence and Values Based Practice Modules (2016-2018)
  • Joint Module Organiser: Clinical Health Psychology (2013-15); Systemic Therapy (2013-2014); Evidence and Values Based Practice 2 (2016-2018)
  • Invited Speaker on Psychological Aspects of Paediatric Allergy; Paediatric Psychology; Research in Clinical Practice; Evidence Based Psychological Approaches to Managing Distressing Medical Procedures in Children and Creative Approaches to Working Therapeutically with Children
  • Research Supervisor for ClinPsyD Doctorate Theses (2013 to date)
  • Examiner of Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Research Theses (2016 to date)
  • Advisor for ClinPsyD Trainee Clinical Psychologists (2013-2018)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being