Julia Hubbard


  • 2.09 Queens Building

Personal profile


I qualified as a Registered General Nurse (Adult Nursing) in 1981 and worked across a range of medical and critical care settings in acute hospital trusts, finally settling for a clinical career in cardiology. This clinical experience formed the basis for my teaching expertise and I have been teaching cardiology and critical care nursing since joining the University in 1993. In addition I have held a variety of management and leadership roles within the School including; Course Directorship, Team Leader and I am a current member of the Schools executive team. These management roles have triggered an interest in how organisations work and behave and I am currently undertaking an Executive Masters in Business Administration at Warwick University.

Areas of Expertise

Resuscitation; cardiology.

Teaching Interests

I currently act as an enquiry based learning facilitator for pre registration nursing across the 3 years of the programme. This role also involves teaching any clinical skills attached to the enquiry based learning scenarios. I also participate in the teaching and assessment of the Clinical Assessment Module which is a core module undertaken by students on the post registration BSc Acute and Critical Care pathway.

Academic Background

  • 1984 Registered Nurse
  • 1992 Diploma in Professional Studies in Nursing
  • 1993 Post Graduate Diploma in Adult Education, University of Nottingham
  • 1996 BSc (Hons) 1st Class, Anglia Polytechnic University
  • 2000 MSc Health Sciences, University of East Anglia

Key Research Interests


Utilising a “Training the Trainers” approach to developing teaching skills of Malawian Educators and Nurses. £29,653.25 awarded January 2012 by THET.
Alumni award (2012) £8,350. A 3 year programme for student nurses to develop cultural competence by undertaking international elective clinical placements.
Alumni award (2010) £16, 5000. A 3 year programme for supporting student nurse elective placements with the School of Nursing, Ekwendi, Malawi.


Clancy C, Mcvicar A and Hubbard J (2011) Homeostasis 4: Nurses as Agents of Control in Myocardial Infarction, British Journal of Nursing 20 (6) 373-382
Hubbard J (2009) The Case of the With a Myocardial Infarction: In Clancy J and McVicar A (2009). A Homeostatic case Book, Arnold, London.
Hubbard J (2004) Management of Atrial Fibrillation, Nursing Times 100(6) 42-44
Hubbard J (2003) An Overview of Permanent and Temporary Cardiac Pacemakers, Nursing Times 99(36) 26-27
Hubbard J (2003) Common Biochemical Markers for Heart Disease, Nursing Times 99(26) 24-25
Hubbard J (2003) Complications Post Myocardial Infarction, Nursing Times 99(15) 28-29
Hubbard J (2003) Myocardial Infarction:  Signs Symptoms and Treatment, Nursing Times 99(4) 28-29
Hubbard J (2002) Differential Diagnosis of chest pain, Nursing Times 98(50) 30-31
Hubbard J (2002) The Case of the Man with Myocardial Infarction:  IN Clancy J and McVicar A (2002) A Homeostatic Case Book 2 Ed Arnold London ISBN 0340 692553
Hubbard (1998) The Case of the Man with Myocardial Infarction:  IN Clancy J and McVicar A (1998) A Homeostatic Case Book, Arnold London

Conference Presentations

Hubbard J, Moore J, Horne C (2011). Action Research for Curriculum Enhancement: Developing Information literacy Skills in Undergraduate Nurse Education (core paper). International Conference of Nurse Education, Churchill College, Cambridge University
Hubbard J, C. Lobo, S Simeza (2010).The Challenge of Teaching Cultural Competence Nurses (Core Paper) International Conference of Nurse Education, Cambridge University, Fitzwilliam College.
Hubbard J, Guadion A, Major R (2010). Endorsement and Partnership Working (Theme Paper) International Conference of Nurse Education, Cambridge University, Fitzwilliam College.
Hubbard J, Horne C and Pearcy N (1997) Defibrillation Poster presentation, International Resuscitation Conference, Holland.

Other Research activity

Student attrition in Nurse Education 2001 (unpublished).
Women’s Perception of Their Life Situation Following Myocardial Infarction: A Phenomenological Study, 1999 (unpublished).
Nurses’ Lived Experience of Undertaking Defibrillation:  A Phenomenological Study, 1996 (unpublished).