Personal profile


Karítas Hrundar Pálsdóttir became the first Icelander to complete a PhD in creative writing upon passing her viva from the University of East Anglia in November 2023. She is the author of two flash fiction collections published by Una útgáfuhús in Iceland, Árstíðir (2020) and Dagatal (2022), for which she received The Icelandic Language Council Award 2022 and the Icelandic Gender Equality Fund 2020. 

For a full bio, please see:

Key Research Interests

Creative writing, short stories, flash fiction, migration, belonging, and language learning

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Arts, Creative Writing, University of Iceland

Award Date: 22 Jun 2019

Bachelor of Arts, Icelandic (major) and Japanese (minor), University of Iceland

Award Date: 24 Jun 2017