Projects per year
Search results
Future Agricultural Resource Management and Water Innovations for a Sustainable Europe
Hiscock, K., Cooper, R., He, H. & Lovett, A.
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
Assessing impacts on water quality in future British rivers due to environmental changes
He, H., Cooper, R. & Hiscock, K.
1/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: Training
Insights into middle and high latitude climate variability and change
Thompson, D. W. J. & Hiscock, K.
1/08/21 → 31/07/26
Project: Fellowship
Alternative FRESH water resources for saline Coastal Areas
European Regional Development Fund
24/01/19 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Demonstration Test Catchment Network: Knowledge Dissemination Project
Lovett, A., Cooper, R., Hiscock, K. & Vrain, E.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
16/09/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
DEFRA Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) - Phase 3 - Wensum
Lovett, A., Hiscock, K., Dockerty, T., Dugdale, S., Sunnenberg, G. & Vrain, E.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/03/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
How effective are catchment approaches to reducing metaldehyde loss to water supplies
1/02/18 → 31/07/21
Project: Training
Call Ref LM0308: Catchment for Water Forum - Case Studies and Funding
Hiscock, K., He, H. & Taylor, S.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/09/15 → 31/08/16
Project: Research
Addressing Valuation of Energy and Nature Together
Lovett, A., Bateman, I., Beaumont, N., Day, B., Hastings, A., Hiscock, K., Pearson, R., Taylor, G., Turner, K., Ziv, G., Agarwala, M. & Sunnenberg, G.
Natural Environment Research Council
30/06/15 → 31/08/21
Project: Research
DEFRA Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) - Follow on from R18299 and R200198
Lovett, A., Boar, R., Hiscock, K., Pedentchouk, N., Dockerty, T., Dugdale, S., Outram, F., Sunnenberg, G., Vrain, E., Brindle, J. & Stevenson, J.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/10/14 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment - Phase 2 of Component 1
Lovett, A., Boar, R., Hiscock, K., Dockerty, T., Dugdale, S., Outram, F., Sunnenberg, G., Brindle, J. & Stevenson, J.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/04/14 → 31/03/15
Project: Research
HELIX - High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes.
Warren, R., Hiscock, K., Minns, A., Osborn, T., Hyde, M., Price, J., Rayner, T. & Wallace, C.
1/11/13 → 31/10/17
Project: Research
UKERC - Extension to work (Linked to R17841)
Hiscock, K., Bond, A., Chilvers, J., Lovett, A. & Powell, J.
1/09/13 → 28/02/14
Project: Research
Implementing Component 2 of Demonstration Test Catchments - To Test Integrated Diffuse Pollution Mitigation Measures for Arable Cropping, Livestock, Dairy and other Farming Systems.
Lovett, A., Hiscock, K., Krueger, T., Outram, F., Sunnenberg, G. & Stevenson, J.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/06/12 → 31/05/17
Project: Research
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) - PES Pilot Research Projects (2011-12)
Day, B., Bateman, I., Hiscock, K. & Lovett, A.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
26/01/12 → 31/03/13
Project: Research
Innovative Market-Based Mechanisms and Networks for Long Term Protection of Water Resources
1/07/11 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Approaches to Secure Sustained Behaviour Changes to Deliver Multiple Environmental Benefits Through Sustained Agricultural Land Management Behaviour Changes (LINKED TO R18299)
Lovett, A., Hiscock, K. & Watson (Lancaster), N.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/01/11 → 30/11/12
Project: Research
Transferring a collaborative and sustainable process of developing mathematical models for decision support in the context of water quality management (UEA Lead) (Note also additional Funding for Impact Case Review on R20568 )
Hiscock, K. & Krueger, T.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/01/11 → 30/04/13
Project: Fellowship
ERMITAGE: Enhancing Robustness and Model Integration for The Assessment of Global Environmental change
Warren, R., Hiscock, K., Osborn, T., Warren, R., Goswami, S., Krueger, T. & Salmon, M.
1/12/10 → 30/11/13
Project: Research
UK Inventory of Agricultural GHG Emissions (GHG Platform - Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors)
Chadwick, D., Hiscock, K., Andrews, J., Arentoft, M., Avery, L., Beimfohr, C., Bridle, H., Burgess, K., Burnside, P., Chalmers, R., Comes, M., Desmulliez, M., Donachie, W., Figueras, M., Freire, M., Gazit, E., Gunnarsdottir, M., Heberkorn, U., Hofle, M., Innes, E., Jacobsson, K., Jakobsen, G., Kirshner, A., Lendenfeld, T., Lindhardt, B., Loisy-Hamon, F., Martinez-Murcia, A., Maunula, L., Milenkovic, B., Ottoson, J., Peplies, J., Pitchers, R., Pruzzo, C., Raich, J., Rajkovic, A., Rajkovic, N., Ryan, T., Santos, R., Schultz, M., Skiba, U., Smith, P., Tiehm, A., Watson, C. & Werner, J.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/11/10 → 31/03/15
Project: Research
Innovative Market-Based Mechanisms and Networks for Long Term Protection of Water Resources
Hiscock, K., Balcombe, K. & Smith (SOAS - UOL), L.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/10/10 → 14/10/12
Project: Research
Creation & Evaluation of 3D Virtual GIS Tools for the SURF Gaywood Valley Project
Lovett, A., Hiscock, K. & Turner, J.
1/09/10 → 31/05/12
Project: Research
Design and Implication of a Monitoring Approach and Conceptual Model for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment (LINK R18715/R18678/R19904/R21541)
Hiscock, K., Boar, R., Dockerty, T., Lovett, A., Krueger, T. & Sunnenberg, G.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/12/09 → 31/03/14
Project: Research
UKERC2 - Proposal for providing work to continue activity of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) 2009 - 2014 - (Linked to R22013)
Hiscock, K., Barker, T., Bateman, I., Bond, A., Hammond, G., Lovett, A., Rosser, S., Strbac, G. & Turner, K.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/05/09 → 30/04/14
Project: Research
CLIMAWAT: Interreg IV (A) - Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Quantity and Quality
Hiscock, K., Dennis, P. & Gumm, L.
1/04/09 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Investigation of the Impact of the Blyth Estuary Re-Alignment on Alder Carr & Quay Lane Groundwater.
1/01/08 → 31/03/08
Project: Research
Developing a Catchment Management Template for the Protection of Water Resources: Exploiting Experience from the UK, Eastern USA and Nearby
Hiscock, K., Bailey (University of Kent), A., Benson, D., Jordan, A. & Smith (SOAS - UOL), L.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/11/07 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Assessment of climate change impacts on European groundwater resources
2/07/07 → 26/08/07
Project: Training
Application of a dual-isotope method in identifying the sources and fate of nitrogen contamination in river catchments in lowland England - CASE Student: Sarah Wexler
Hiscock, K. & Johnson (Environment Agency), D.
1/10/06 → 30/09/09
Project: Training