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Leslie Morland


  • 2.13 Earlham Hall

Personal profile

Key Research Interests

My research has primarily focussed on the theory and application of continuum mechanics, with particular attention to geophysical applications. Following are the main areas:



The propagation of elastic-plastic waves and the associated motion of elastic-plastic and plastic-elastic interfaces; existence and uniqueness.

Finite deformation theory; rock mechanics


Linear viscoelasticity

Wave propagation

Thermal stress

Rolling contact


Singular integral equations

Generalised Cauchy and logarithmic kernels; finite Hilbert transforms



Strongly anisotropic elastic solids

Jointed rock masses


Interacting continua

Fluid flow through a porous deformable matrix

Granular matrix; compaction and shear hysteresis

Earth tide effects

Phase change; singular surfaces; snow melt



Viscoelastic response of ice; impact dynamics

Flow of ice sheets and ice shelves; reduced models

Effects of basal topography; enhanced reduced model

Evolution of fabric-induced anisotropy

Sea ice dynamics; motion of ice packs

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, Elastic-plastic wave propogation, University of Manchester

Award Date: 5 Jul 1958

Bachelor of Science, BSc (1st Class Honours) in Mathematics, University of Manchester

Award Date: 5 Jul 1955

External positions

Senior Scientific Officer, Fort Halstead


Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Manchester


Stanford Research Institute


Research Associate in Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University