Martin Loftus


  • 3.53 Chemistry

Personal profile



School Positions:  Associate Professor.

Martin is a fellow of the Institute of Physics. 

Martin joined the School of Chemistry in 2000 as a part-time research fellow and part-time teaching fellow. 

Selected Publications

Healthcare Professional Education & Training: How does Pharmacy in Great Britain compare?
Wright, D; Loftus, M; Christou, M; Eggleton, A & Norris, N, 2006
RPSGB, London. ISBN 0-9550029-6-6

Students’ ideas about electromagnetism.
Loftus, M.J, 1996
School Science Review Vol 77(280)

Improving students’ understanding of electromagnetism.
Loftus, M.J, 1998
Proceedings of a seminar on the Science Enhancement Programme, Gatsby ISBN 1-901351-22-X

Students’ understanding of magnetism and electromagnetism.
Loftus, M.J, 1999
Proceedings of a seminar on the Science Enhancement Programme, Gatsby ISBN 1-901351-27-O


  • 2000-Present, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, Associate Professor


  • Fellow of the Institute of Physics


Key Research Interests

Martin has carried out research into the use of PBL activities in physics teaching, the future of pharmacy education in the UK and use of online astronomical data for undergraduate projects.

Areas of Expertise
