Michael Kyriacou

Michael Kyriacou


  • 3.14 Arts and Humanities Building

Personal profile


Michael joined the Interdisciplinary Institute for the Humanities in September 2018. He works as an ATS lecturer in the IIH teaching across a wide variety of modules. Michael’s research interests lie broadly across Political and International Relations theory. He has presented conference papers on Politics as Horror in the Digital Age, the political thought of Öcalan, Bookchin and Ranciere,Drones and the Human/Thing Binary in IR and the 2015 Digital Democracy Commissions Report. He completed his PhD at UEA in 2018 which was entitled: On the Shores of Anarchy: Jacques Rancière in International Relations Theory. Prior to the completion of his degree Michael also read International Relations and International Relations & Modern History at UEA for his Masters and Undergraduate degree respectively.