Activities per year
Personal profile
Millie Prosser is a Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholar at the University of East Anglia as part of ClimateUEA's Critical Decade programme. Her research focusses on understanding the efficacy of climate litigation as a tool to achieve significant mitigation commitments from states and businesses.
Millie has taken an unorthodox route into academia. Her experience is grounded in sustainability focussed land-based skills (e.g., food growing, coppicing, natural building), acquired at places such as at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales and Kinsale’s unique Permaculture course in Ireland. She went on to attend Cumbria University’s woodland ecology and forestry course before moving to Lancaster University to obtain her BSc in natural sciences, focussed on ecology, environmental science and climate change. Her dissertation, examining how Lancaster City Council could appropriately respond to its climate emergency declaration via valuing GHG emissions in decision-making, was awarded the best BSc dissertation in Lancaster Environment Centre (2020).
After graduating, she received funding from the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation at Lancaster University to complete her MSc by research. Building on previous work, she identified a simple spend-based method, with Blackpool Council, to support austerity constrained authorities’ indirect emissions accounting. She has campaigned and advocated for Paris-compliant climate emergency commitments at Lancaster City Council and University and co-founded Lancaster Youth For Environment (LYFE), to harness and amplify youth voices locally.
Research Group or Lab Membership
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Group
Social Justice Research Group
Education/Academic qualification
Master of Environmental Science, Net Zero strategy (by research) Thesis: 'Leveraging finance to tackle emissions: A Blackpool Unitary Authority case study', Lancaster University
4 Jan 2021 → 30 Sept 2022
Award Date: 30 Sept 2022
Bachelor of Science, Natural Sciences, Lancaster University
1 Oct 2017 → 31 Jul 2020
Award Date: 31 Jul 2020
- 1 Other
UEA School of Law Blog Deputy Editor
Millie Prosser (Contributor)
2022 → …Activity: Other activity types › Other