• 01.01A Bio-Medical Research Centre (BMRC)

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Please see below for current post-graduate, post-doc and research staff opportunities 

Personal profile

Key Research Interests

Crichton Lab Twitter  Youtube

Mitochondria are central to energy metabolism in our cells. My interests cover the molecular and bioenergetic processes that occur in mitochondria and how they relate to our health.

Mitochondrial energy transduction and the role of key membrane proteins, uncoupling proteins (UCP1-5) in particular, is a current research focus of mine.

Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is the protein in mammals that allows brown adipose tissue to burn off calories as heat in response to cold temperatures. If activated in humans, UCP1-dependent thermogenesis can contribute to energy expenditure and help combat obesity, diabetes and related disease.

Other UCPs have been linked to metabolic disorders, cancer, inflammation, ischemic shock and aging, though their exact function is not clear.

My research aims to resolve the molecular and structural mechanisms that underlie the functioning of mitochondrial proteins and processes, and, importantly, how they may be targeted to treat disease.



2021-     Biomedical Research Centre Director (MED), UEA

2019-     Associate Professor, Norwich Medical School, UEA

2016-19 Principle Investigator/Lecturer, Norwich Medical School, UEA

2008-16 Investigator Scientist, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, Cambridge, UK

2005-08 MRC Career Development Fellow, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, Cambridge, UK

2001-04 PhD Biochemistry, University of Sussex, UK


Postgraduate Research Opportunities

We are often advertising PhD studentship positions (please see FindAPhD and jobs.ac.uk). Do get in touch if you would like to discuss PhD studentship, or any other postgraduate research study, opportunities in my lab. 

Post-doc and Research Staff Opportunities

Do get in touch if you would like to discuss post-doctoral study opportunties in my laboratory. See UEA vacancies


Research Group or Lab Membership

Hannah Staggs (post-doc)

Danielle Copeman (senior technician)

Margeoux Dela Rosa (PhD student)

Mehmethan Aris (PhD student)


Camila Cotrim (post-doc)

Camila Fernandez Vidal (MRes student)

Riccardo Cavalieri (PhD student)

Bethany Hartley (BIO BSc student; Best Final Year Project Award)

Eden Joyce (MSc student)