Paul Engelhardt


  • 0.109A Lawrence Stenhouse Building

Personal profile


Dr Paul Engelhardt is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at UEA. He completed a BSc degree at the University of Nebraska Omaha, and MA and PhD degrees at Michigan State University. After completing his post-graduate education, Paul undertook an ESRC funded post-doctoral research position at the University of Edinburgh. He then worked for several years at Northumbria University as a Senior Lecturer. 

Indicative Publications

Engelhardt, P.E., McMullon, M.E.G., & Corley, M. (2019). Individual differences in the production of disfluency: a latent variable analysis of memory ability and verbal intelligence. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 1084-1101.

Engelhardt, P.E., Alfridijanta, O., McMullon, M.E.G. ††, & Corley, M. (2017). Speaker- vs. listener-oriented disfluency: A re-examination of arguments and assumptions for autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 2885-2898.

Engelhardt, P. E., Nigg, J. T., & Ferreira, F. (2017). Executive control and intelligence in the resolution of temporary syntactic ambiguity: An individual differences investigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 1263-1281.

Ferreira, F., Foucart, A., & Engelhardt, P. E. (2013). Language processing in the visual world: Effects of preview, visual complexity, and prediction. Journal of Memory and Language, 69, 165-182.

Key Research Interests

Dr. Engelhardt is a cognitive psychologist, and trained in psycholinguistics and cognitive science. His primary research interests focus on language comprehension and production, and language-related clinical disorders (e.g. dyslexia, ADHD, and ASD). More recently, Dr. Engelhardt has been collaborating with philosopher Eugen Fischer (UEA) on a research programme in Experimental Philosophy, focusing primarily on the Philosophy of Perception.

Please email if you would like to do a PhD or would like to gain research experience.

Key Responsibilities

Faculty Appeals and Complaints Committee

Teaching Interests

BSc Psychology

Year 2 – Research Design and Analysis II (Regression, Factor Analysis, SEM)

Year 3 – Psychology of Language (option)

MSc Psychology

Further Quantitative Research and Statistics (Factor Analysis, SEM)

Undergraduate Projects: Final Year Research Project

My main research interest is Psycholinguistics, and I conduct research on both theoretical and applied topics.

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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