Qudra Goodall

Qudra Goodall


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Personal profile

Academic Background

I am an ESRC funded PhD candidate and Associate Tutor at The University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, UK. 

I have a BA Honours in International Politics and Modern Languages (University of Aberystwyth, Wales), and a Research Masters in Social Sciences Research Methods (UEA, International Development), producing an ethnographic study on belonging and everyday lived religion for a group of British Sufi Muslim women.

I am part of the collaborative and interdisciplinary RCUK- funded British Muslim Values Project (UEA/BBC). Producing a film exploring second-generation British convert Muslim women’s perspectives on the compatibility between ‘British’ and ‘Islamic’ values and publications including; autoethnography in collaborative research and digital storytelling.

My doctoral research ‘Subjectivities and everyday forms of faith: a case study of convert Muslim women in Norwich’ is interested in collating the everyday lived experiences of first- and second-generation British convert Muslim women. It seeks to identify how everyday forms of faith and practice, which play out across life trajectories, including home and working lives, effects models of self, personhood and  ethical imagination. In proposing an alternative approach to reducing people to national, cultural or religious categories this study aims to deconstruct stereotypical and reductionist binaries which permeate current popular and political Islamophobic discourses to reveal a more intricate tapestry of contemporary British Muslims.