Activities per year
- 20 results
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AHRC Peer Review College (External organisation)
Ralph Yarrow (Member)
2012 → …Activity: Membership › Peer review panel
External examiner (PhD), Univeristy of Wales at Aberystwyth, 2008
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
2008Activity: Examination
External examiner (PhD), Univeristy of Wales at Aberystwyth, 2007
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
2007Activity: Examination
Antigone and women characters as a site of resistance
Ralph Yarrow (Invited speaker)
2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Invited talk
International Federation for Theatre Research Conference
Ralph Yarrow (Speaker)
2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
External examiner (PhD), University of Glasgow, 2007
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
2007Activity: Examination
International Symposium on Community Theatre
Ralph Yarrow (Keynote/plenary speaker)
2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
UEA Validation Adviser re. BA and MA in Acting, BA in Production, Mountview Theatre Academy, London, 2001-2005, 2013
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
2001 → 2013Activity: Examination
Consciousness, Literature and the Arts (Journal)
Ralph Yarrow (Editorial board member)
2000 → 2007Activity: Editorial work › Publication editorial role
External examiner (MA in Drama and Performance), University of Wales at Aberystwyth, 1998-2004
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
1998 → 2004Activity: Examination
External examiner (BA Drama), University of Wales at Aberystwyth, 1997-2001
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
1997 → 2001Activity: Examination
External examiner (PhD's), University of Gujarat, India, 1996
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
1996Activity: Examination
External examiner (PhD), MK University, Madurai, India, 1996
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
1996Activity: Examination
External examiner (PhD), University of Kerala, India, 1992
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
1992Activity: Examination
External examiner (MA in Comparative Literature), University of Kent, 1992-3
Ralph Yarrow (Examiner)
1992 → 1993Activity: Examination
Workshops for Bonfire Theatre and Jungle Theatre (Cape Town) theatre companies 1984-2013
Ralph Yarrow (Contributor)
1984 → 2013Activity: Other activity types › Other
Workshops for Vidya (Ahmedabad) and Jana sanskriti (Kolkata) theatre companies 1984-2013
Ralph Yarrow (Contributor)
1984 → 2013Activity: Other activity types › Other