Projects per year
Personal profile
Academic Background
- Jun 2005 PhD, University of East Anglia (attended 4/2001 to 3/2005)
- Nov 1998 DPH, distinction, Cambridge University (9/1997-9/1998)
- July 1991 BM BCh, Oxford University (attended 9/1988 to 7/1991)
- May 1988 BA, 2.1, Cambridge University (attended 9/1985 to 6/1988)
Key Research Interests
My research interests are diverse encompassing both health services research and epidemiology. I have led and co-managed a large number of clinical trials particularly in the area of pharmacist-led medication review. I have undertaken with colleagues a number of systematic reviews of complex health services interventions and have led both epidemiological and treatment studies in substance misuse. Since joining UEA, I have attracted £3.8 million of grant income as a principal investigator and a further £7.4 million as a co-applicant, principally funding RCTs. These have led to a number of articles in the BMJ, and other high impact journals. I was awarded an MRC Fellowship in 2001 and completed my PhD in 2005. I have regularly contributed presentations to national conferences and have a rapidly growing publication record.
Research Group or Lab Membership
Evidence based practice
Teaching Interests
I play an active role in teaching and teaching management, gaining Membership of the Institute of Learning and Teaching (now Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy) in 2003. I became Course Director of UEA’s undergraduate medical course in 2008 and Deputy Head of School in 2012. I have successfully led our medical course through a period of student growth, instituting a number of significant changes to enhance our standards of admission, teaching quality and assessment. I remain an active educator, having been a Problem Based Learning (PBL) tutor for 6 years; and continue to give a wide variety of lectures and seminars on evidence based medicine, public health and research methods. I have supervised many successful MSc dissertations, and am a PhD supervisor. In addition, I have been Training Location co-ordinator for Higher Specialist Training in Public Health at UEA from 2005-14, Part A examiner for the Faculty of Public Health from 2007-14, and I co-directed the Norwich Clinical Research and Trials Unit during its founding stages (2005-7).
- Problem Based Learning Tutor for the MB BS Medical Degree course
- Student Selected Study for the MB BS Medical Degree programme which includes delivery of lectures and seminars on research methods.
- Various public health-related lectures for the MB BS Medical Degree programme
- Epidemiology lecture to MPharm students
Taught Post-graduate
- Lectures to Basic research methods MSc module, MSc in Health Sciences
- Lectures to Further Quantitative research methods MSc module, MSc in Health Sciences
- Lecture to Medical Statistics module
- Lecture to the Clinical Psychology Doctoral programme (NHS Organisation and funding)
- Lecture to the MSc module on Medicine Management in Primary Care (now discontinued)
- MSc dissertation supervisor
Higher Degree supervisor
Primary or secondary supervisor to several PhD students and one MD student.
Higher Specialist Training in Public Health
Trainer: I have been trainer for a number of Public Health specialty trainees who have since gained Consultant posts. I have trained academic F2s in Public Health since 2008. In addition, I have provided Part I support to a number of pre-Part I trainees and was an examiner for MFPH Part A from 2008-2014.
- April 2011 - present: Clinical Professor in Public Health Medicine, UEA and honorary Consultant in Public Health, Public Health England (latter from 2013)
- July 2007- April 2011: Clinical Reader in Public Health Medicine, UEA and honorary Consultant in Public Health, Norfolk Primary Care Trust
- Jan 2005 to 2007: Clinical Senior Lecturer in Public Health Medicine, University of East Anglia and Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Norwich Primary Care Trust.
- Jan 2001 – Dec 2004: MRC Health Services Research Fellow & Lecturer in Public Health Medicine (Senior Lecturer from Sept 2004), UEA (& Hon. Specialist Registrar, Norfolk Health Authority then Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine from January 2003)
- Mar 1999 – Dec 2000: Lecturer in Public Health Medicine, UEA & Hon. SpR, Norfolk Health Authority
- Sep 1997 – Mar 1999: Specialist Registrar in Public Health Medicine, Norfolk Health Authority
- Feb 1997 – Aug 1997: Senior House Officer in Public Health Medicine, Somerset Health Authority
- Apr 1996 - Oct 1996: Registrar in Anaesthetics, Rockhampton Hospital, Australia.
- Aug 1995 - Mar 1996: SHO in General Medicine and Intensive Care, Manly Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
- Feb 1994 - July 1995: SHO in Anaesthetics, Torbay Hospital, Torquay.
- Mar 1993 - Jan 1994: SHO in Paediatrics, Royal United Hospital, Bath.
- Aug 1993 - Feb 1993: SHO in A & E, Southmead Hospital, Bristol.
- Feb 1992 - Aug 1992: House Physician to Prof. Sleight and Grimley-Evans; Drs. Holt and Fairweather, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.
- Aug 1991 - Feb 1992: House Surgeon to Mr P. Houghton, Torbay Hospital.
Key Responsibilities
- Deputy Head of School (2012- ). I have been on the Executive team of Norwich Medical School since 2008, and became Deputy Head of School in 2012. This role involves me in day-to-day management within the medical school, and I have been instrumental in developing a workload tariff system to ensure all Heads of department have good data on the teaching activities of their staff. This is essential to underpin management of our academic team. In addition, I have been a member of the School’s Executive Committee since 2008, and the School’s Promotion Committee since 2011. I have considerable experience appointing and managing staff and am responsible for a number of project budgets, and co-manage, with the Head of School and our Faculty Finance Manager, our school’s SIFT budget of over £13 million.
- Head of Department of Medical Education (2011-14). The School was re-organised whilst David Crossman was Head of School. This led us to establish a Department of Medical Education. I have led that since 2011, line-managing all our ATS staff. This involves staff appointment, appraisal, support and development. From December 2014 I will be handing this role on to a colleague who will report to me, so that I can focus attention on leading the MB BS course in the lead up to our GMC inspection in 2015.
- MB BS Course Director (2008- ). I have been the Course Director for the MB BS Course since August 2008. This course now includes over 820 students. I am responsible for all aspects of the course, in collaboration with my five Heads of Year, the 15 module leads, eight theme leads, and the Head of School. Over the last five years I have sought to continue to improve the quality of the course, the student experience, and the standards of entry and exit, to ensure we are producing doctors of whom we can be justly proud. I have, with my team, led a process of change across a number of areas of the course. Key changes have been to admissions, teaching quality, and assessment. In addition, changes to the professional regulations (in particular attendance) and the introduction of a Professionalism Committee (led by Prof. A Howe), have sought to enhance the professional behaviour and attitudes of our student body. Finally, changes have been made to teaching allocation systems and employment of additional ATS lecturers and Associate Tutors has ensured adequate staff numbers are maintained to lead and deliver this course.
- Training Location Co-ordinator (2005-2014), Higher Specialist Training in Public Health, UEA. My responsibilities include organising and attracting suitable Public Health trainees to work at UEA. I am a member of the Eastern Region Public Health Specialist Training Committee. This role has also involved successful applications to gain an academic rotation including public health second foundation year (F2). We have now supervised over 20 academic F2s in Population health and primary care. In addition, colleagues and I have successfully bid for NIHR (previously known as Walport) Academic Fellowships and for NIHR Clinical Lectureships (one every other year). We have successfully appointed three Academic Fellows since 2005, and one has progressed on to our Clinical lectureship.
- Co-director Norwich Research and Clinical Trials Unit. This new seven-bedded trials unit was built within the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital at the end of last year. As a unit it is in its infancy but is beginning to attract research investment and has already demonstrated the ability to recruit and manage study patients.
- Deputy lead, Unit 12 (The Mind) MB BS course. This final year unit covers the undergraduate psychiatric curriculum. My responsibilities are to organise the lecture and seminar provision within the university and to organise the assessment of the “Student Selected Study” component of this unit.
- Course organiser for M212 (Public Health) 2001 – 2003. I organised this module in collaboration with Peter Brambleby (DPH, Norwich PCT). During this time we re-developed the module, extending it from a 10-credit to a 20-credit MSc module.
- Course organiser for M201 (Research Methods) 1999 – 2002. I organised this compulsory module for three years from my arrival at UEA. It was well received by students and the generally high quality of assignments was often acknowledged by external examiners. In collaboration with colleagues we then developed three new research modules to further improve the quality of research training within the MSc in Health Sciences. This broke the original module down into a basic broad research module (covering both quantitative and qualitative methods) and two in depth “further” modules in quantitative and qualitative research.
- Research management responsibilities. I have successfully managed a team of research associates, plus secretarial support working on a wide variety of research projects from clinical trials such as the HOMER trial and HeartMed trial, to Public Health needs assessment and evaluation work (such as NAPIC - Needs assessment of Police investigation centres in Norfolk & Suffolk).
- Member of the UEA School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy Promotions committee 2005 –2011
- Faculty of Public Health Trainee Members' Committee: I was a member of the Faculty of Public Health’s Trainee Members’ Committee (formerly the Specialist Registrar Committee) from 1998 to 2003. I was elected as vice-chair of this committee in 2000 and then Chair (2002-3). I played an active role in the Faculty’s Education & Training Committee from 1999 to 2002 and was a member of the Faculty Board (2002-3). Key initiatives during my chairmanship involved: conducting a national training audit; work towards a national trainees’ conference; and continuing to work closely to re-develop both the Part I and Part II MFPH exams.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Doctor of Philosophy, An evaluation of domiciliary medication review by pharmacists in older people. The HOMER trial., University of East Anglia
Award Date: 1 Jan 2005
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, University of Oxford
Award Date: 1 Jan 1991
Bachelor of Arts, University of Cambridge
Award Date: 1 Jan 1988
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 47 Finished
Development and testing of an integrated model of care for optimising medicines in housebound patients.
Holland, R., Barton, G., Bhattacharya, D., Clark, A., Poland, F., Steel, N., Twigg, M., Wright, D., Lenaghan, E. & Lenaghan, E.
1/04/16 → 28/02/17
Project: Research
Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Service (CHIPPS): Development and delivery of a cluster randomised controlled trial to determine both its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
Wright, D., Arthur, A., Barton, G., Bond, C., Desborough, J., Ford, J., Holland, R., Hughes, C., Norris, N., Poland, F., Shepstone, L., Small, I., Turner, D., Colles, A., Dyer, A., Swart, A. M., Blyth, A., Irvine, L. & Maskrey, V.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/05/15 → 31/10/20
Project: Research
Refresh of Health Needs Assessment of populations cared for in the Joint Norfolk and Suffolk Police Investigation Centres
Holland, R., Maskrey, V., Musgrave, S., Notley, C. & Blyth, A.
Norfolk & Suffolk Constabulary
1/03/15 → 30/11/15
Project: Research
Effectiveness of visits from community pharmacists for patients with heart failure: HeartMed randomised controlled trial
Holland, R., Brooksby, I., Lenaghan, E., Ashton, K., Hay, L., Smith, R., Shepstone, L., Lipp, A., Daly, C., Howe, A., Hall, R. & Harvey, I., 2007, In: British Medical Journal. 334, 7603, p. 1098-1101 4 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
138 Citations (Scopus) -
Does home based medication review keep older people out of hospital? The HOMER randomised controlled trial
Holland, R., Lenaghan, E., Harvey, I., Smith, R., Shepstone, L., Lipp, A., Christou, M., Evans, D. & Hand, C., 2005, In: British Medical Journal. 330, 7486, p. 293-295 3 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
269 Citations (Scopus) -
Treatment retention, drug use and social functioning outcomes in those receiving three months versus one month of supervised opioid maintenance treatment. Results from the Super C randomised controlled trial
Holland, R., Maskrey, V., Swift, L., Notley, C., Robinson, A., Nagar, J., Gale, T. & Kouimtsidis, C., Apr 2014, In: Addiction. 109, 4, p. 596-607Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
19 Citations (Scopus) -
The SUMMIT trial: a field comparison of buprenorphine versus methadone maintenance treatment
Pinto, H., Maskrey, V., Swift, L., Rumball, D., Wagle, A. & Holland, R., Dec 2010, In: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 39, 4, p. 340-352 13 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
93 Citations (Scopus)5 Downloads (Pure) -
Abandoned acid? Understanding adherence to bisphosphonate medications for the prevention of osteoporosis among older women: A qualitative longitudinal study
Salter, C., McDaid, L., Bhattacharya, D., Holland, R., Marshall, T. & Howe, A., 2 Jan 2014, In: PLoS One. 9, 1, e83552.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile28 Citations (Scopus)25 Downloads (Pure)
Carlile Prize Norfolk & Norwich Chirurgical Society
Holland, Richard (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Junior Scholar & Perry PrizeTrinity College, Cambridge
Holland, Richard (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
MRC Fellow in Health of the Public and Health Services Research 2001-2004
Holland, Richard (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Higher Education Academy (External organisation)
Richard Holland (Fellow)
2003 → …Activity: Membership › Network, Working Group or Professional Association
Faculty of Public Health (External organisation)
Richard Holland (Fellow)
2001 → …Activity: Membership › Network, Working Group or Professional Association
Diploma in Anaesthetics, Royal College of Anaesthetists
Richard Holland (Contributor)
1997Activity: Other activity types › Other