Personal profile


Ross is Emeritus Professor in Literature and Culture. His publications include the monographs Ronald Jonson’s Modernist Collage Poetry (Palgrave, 2010), Avant-Folk: Small Press Poetry Networks from 1950 to the Present (Liverpool University Press, 2016), and Brilliant Absence: Pursuing the Kingfisher in the Work of Hans Waanders (Uniformbooks, 2019). Ross is also the co-editor of Harry Smith’s Anthology of American Folk Music: America Changed Through Music (Routledge, 2016) and Minting the Sun: A New Selection of Ted Walker’s Poetry (Chichester University, 2010). His research has been published in numerous journals including Contemporary Literature, Modernism/modernity, and Word and Image.

Ross’s poetry has appeared in a number of poetry British and North American magazines such as Shearsman, LVNG, and The Cultural Society. Ross’s pamphlet, An Anthology Gathered for Shirley Collins, was published by Longhouse Publishers in 2012.

Ross’s research is concerned primarily with North American and British literature and culture. He is particularly interested in modern and contemporary poetry; small press publishing and its cultures; and the intersections between literature, music, and visual art. 

His current research examines the legacy of constructivist aesthetics in twentieth-century poetry, music, art and pedagogy, with a  special focus on concrete poetry, systems music, and constructive art. 


Administrative Posts

2018 - 2023: Course Director (Department of American Studies)

2014 - 2018: Research / Unit of Assessment Coordinator (American Studies)

2012 - 2014: Course Director (American Literature with Creative Writing)

2013 - 2014: Senior Advisor (American Studies)

2011 - 2013: Plagiarism Officer