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Sarah Spooner


  • 3.26 Arts and Humanities Building

Personal profile


My research covers many aspects of the rural landscape in the eighteenth century, including the architecture and landscape of the English country house and the landed estate. I am also particularly interested in the long-term history of suburban development in the post-medieval and modern period. I currently teach on a number of modules on landscape history and archaeology within the School of History, and supervise research students in landscape history. My research and teaching involves the extensive use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems). I am also involved in a number of research and public engagement project through the AHRC Connected Communities programme. Recent projects have included the Ideas Bank, supporting local history groups funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and Pathways to History, a research project investigating the history of footpaths and rights of way in Norfolk. Along with my colleagues in landscape history, I undertake consultancy work as part of The Landscape Group, relating to the history of country houses, and the development of the rural landscape. 


Areas of Expertise

The architecture and landscape of the English country house 1500-present.

Post-medieval estate landscapes.

The development of the rural landscape.

The development of suburbs in the post-medieval and modern period.

Teaching Interests

I currently teach on all the landscape history modules, both undergraduate and postgraduate, within the School of History. The modules cover the development of the English landscape from the Neolithic to the present day. 


  • The Origins of the English Landscape c4000BC to 1066AD
  • The English Landscape 1066-1600
  • History of Norwich
  • Working in the Historic Environment
  • Fieldwork in Landscape History
  • The Making of the English Landscape c1450-1950 (third year Special Subject)

Postgraduate Taught

  • Past Environments
  • Dissertation Preparation (Landscape History)
  • Skills in Landscape History: Geographic Information Systems