Sharon Black

Sharon Black


  • 1.13 Arts and Humanities Building

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I welcome applications from prospective PhD students in the areas of interpreting studies and audiovisual translation (AVT), particularly media and arts accessibility, subtitling, audio description, AVT for children, and the reception of translated AV content, including the use of eye tracking.

Personal profile


I have been a Lecturer in Interpreting and Translation (with Spanish) at UEA since 2018, having previously taught at Queen's University Belfast, where I obtained my PhD in Translation (2017).

In 2019-2021 I was Co-Investigator on the Erasmus+ funded collaborative project Digitial Accessibility for You (2019-2021), which aimed to empower young people with communication difficulties to use digital media for democratic participation in the debate on accessibility across disability, geography and language.  

In 2017-2018 I worked on the Accessible Culture and Training (ACT) project, a 3-year Erasmus+ funded project on arts accessibility. Project activities included defining the profile of an arts accessibility manager, creating an online course (MOOC) on making arts events accessible, and strengthening links between people involved in arts accessibility locally and internationally.

I am President of the European Association of Studies in Screen Translation and am a member of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies and the European Society for Translation Studies.

I have reviewed articles and proposals for the following journals and publishers: Íkala, inTRAlinea, Journal of Audiovisual Translation, Parallèles, Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, Routledge, Target, Translation & Interpreting, Translation Spaces, UCL Press and Universal Access in the Information Society.

Academic Background

2017 - PhD in Translation, Queen’s University Belfast. 

2005 - MSc in Translating and Conference Interpreting, Heriot-Watt University. With distinction. Languages: Spanish and French

Key Research Interests

Teaching Interests

2020 - PG Cert Higher Education Practice, UEA

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2020


I am or have been Module Organiser for the modules:

-Introduction to Conference Interpreting

-Technological Tools for Subtitling and Dubbing

-Specialised Translation

I also teach or have taught on the following modules:

-Introduction to Public Service Interpreting

-Spanish Year 2 Honours (Translation seminars)

-Applied Translation Theory and Practice II

-Academic and Research Skills


External Examiner for Spanish Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes at Heriot-Watt University since Mar 2021 and for Audiovisual and Specialised Translation courses at UCL since Feb 2023.

Administrative Posts

Course Director, Language and Communication Studies BA and MA degrees

Areas of Expertise

Audiovisual translation studies, cultural and media accessibility, subtitling, audio description, cognitive translation studies, psycholinguistics.