Shirley Reynolds

Shirley Reynolds


Personal profile

Areas of Expertise

Child mental health; cognitive behaviour therapy; child anxiety.

Teaching Interests

I am co-director of the doctoral programme in clinical psychology.  Most of my teaching is around research including the supervision of Clinical Psychology Doctorates and PhDs

Academic Background

  • 1981 BSc (Tech), Psychology1st Class U.W.I.S.T., Cardiff
  • 1987 MSc in Clinical Psychology University of Leicester
  • 1989 Chartered. Clinical Psychologist British Psychological Society
  • 1999 PhD in Psychology University of Sheffield

Current Appointments

1.  Professor of Clinical Psychology, Norwich Medical School, UEA

2.  Head of Department of Psychological Sciences, Norwich Medical School, UEA.

3.  Co-Director, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology, UEA

4.  President British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (BABCP)

5.  Lead: Mental Health Research Programme East Norfolk and Waveney, NHS Research Consortium

6.  Deputy Director, East Anglia Mental Health Research Hub (MHRN)

7.  External Assessor, Teaching and Research Panel (Professorial appointments) British Psychological Society

8   External examiner, University of Sheffield, University College London

9.  Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Trust


  • Current: Professor of Evidence Based Psychological Therapies, University of Reading.
  • 2002-2013  Professor of Clinical Psychology, Norwich Medical School
  • 1994-2002: Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Norwich Medical School
  • 1993-1994: Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University College London
  • 1987-1993: Research Clinical Psychologist/ Non-clinical Scientist, Grade I MRC/ESRC Social and Applied Psychology Unit, University of Sheffield                             
  • 1984-1987: Trainee Clinical Psychologist, East Anglia Regional Health Authority

Key Research Interests

Child and adolescent mental health especially anxiety disorders / OCD

Development of psychological therapies (CBT) for children

Children’s cognitive development

Adapting CBT for people with learning disabilities

Psychotherapy research (RCTs and process research)

Recent Grants

NIHR Programme Grant (2011 to 2014): Diabetes Prevention Trial, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. CI: Dr Mike Sampson, UEA/NNUH. (£1,998,700)

NIHR Health Technology Assessment (2011-2015): Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Trial (OCTET). Multi-site RCT. CI: Karina Lovell, University of Manchester. (£2,526,301 plus £69,854 NHS costs)

NIHR Health Technology Assessment (2009-2014): Improving mood with psychodynamic and cognitive therapy (IMPACT).  Multisite RCT.  CI: Ian Goodyer, Cambridge. (£2,826,625 plus £2,119,744 NHS costs)

NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (2008-2011): Support for computerised cognitive therapy for patients with depression/anxiety: a factorial randomised controlled comparison of brief vs. enhanced support given by clinicians vs. non-clinicians CI: Lina Gega, UEA. (£249,999)

NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (2008-2011): The acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of parental-enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents with OCD (ROCKY) CI: Shirley Reynolds. (£256,837) 

Recent Publications 

Bruce M, Collins S, Langdon P, Powlitch S and Reynolds S (2010) Does training improve understanding of core concepts in cognitive behaviour therapy by people with intellectual disabilities? A randomised experiment.  British Journal of Clinical Psychology 49 1-13. 

Field A, Cartwright-Hatton S, Reynolds S and Cresswell C (2008) Future directions for child anxiety theory and treatment. Cognition and Emotion (Special Issue: Anxiety in children)

Gifford S, Bell S, Wilson C and Reynolds S (2008) Threat interpretation bias in anxious children and their mothers.  Cognition and Emotion (Special Issue: Anxiety in children) 

Goodyer I, Tsancheva S, Byford S, Dubicka B, Hill J, Kelvin R, Reynolds S, Roberts C, Senior R,  Suckling J, Wilkinson P, Target M and Fonagy P, (2011) Improving mood with psychoanalytic and cognitive therapies (IMPACT): A pragmatic effectiveness superiority trial to investigate whether specialised psychological treatment reduces the risk for relapse in adolescents with moderate to severe unipolar depression: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.  Trials 12 175 

Hamill M, Reid M, and Reynolds S (2008) Letters in Cognitive Analytic Therapy: The Patient’s Experience.  Psychotherapy Research 18 573-583.  

Kelly V, Barker H, Field A, Wilson C and Reynolds S  (2010)  Can Rachman’s indirect pathways be used to un-learn Fear? A prospective paradigm to test whether children’s fears can be reduced using positive information and modelling a non-anxious response.  Behaviour Research and Therapy 48 164-170 

Matthews L, Reynolds S and Derisley J (2007) Examining cognitive models of obsessive compulsive disorder in adolescents.  Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 35 149-164.  

Reeves J, Reynolds S, Coker S and Wilson C (2010) An experimental manipulation of responsibility in children: A test of the inflated responsibility model of obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 41 228-233. 

Reynolds S and Reeves J (2008) Do cognitive models of obsessive compulsive disorder apply to children and adolescents?  A systematic review of the literature.  Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (Special Issue: Anxiety in Children).   

Wilson E C F, Thalanany M, Shepstone L, Charlesworth G, Poland F, Harvey I, Price D, Reynolds S and Mugford M (2008) Befriending carers of people with dementia: A cost utility analysis.  International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 23 1-12. 

Administrative Posts

  • Group leader P&P
  • Joint Course Director - Doctoral programme in clinical psychology
  • Member CPT

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

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