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Accepting PhD Students

Personal profile

Academic Background

PhD International Relations, London School of Economics

MSc Theory and History of International Relations, London School of Economics


Simon joined UEA in 2009 after completing his doctorate in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he held the LSE International Relations Department’s Michael Leifer Scholarship.

He is a Senior Fellow on Global Cities at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a Senior Research Fellow at UCL's City Leadership Initiative, and an Affiliated Professor in International Relations at the Institut Barcelona dEstudies Internacionales.

His latest book, Global Cities and Global Order (Oxford University Press), won the 2018 European Consortium for Political Research Hedley Bull Prize in International Relations. It was also shortlisted for the 2017 British International Studies Association Susan Strange Book Prize.

His core research interests include international theory, the history of international society, international political economy, and global cities.

Key Research Interests

Simon’s current research projects investigate the relationship between transnational processes and the society of sovereign states, with particular reference to transnational urbanism and global cities. He is interested in supervising postgraduate research students in all aspects of international theory, the history of international society, international political economy and transnational politics. He is currently working on the role of infrastructure and large technichal systems in the construction of world order.

Key Responsibilities

Director of Postgraduate Research PPL

Teaching Interests

Simon teaches undergraduate and postgraduate modules that focus upon aspects of international relations theory and on global political economy. He is currently the convenor for the modules 'Global Politics' and ‘Capitalism and its Critics’. He has also taught on the modules ‘International Relations Theory, ‘Introduction to International Relations’, ‘International Politics since 1945’ and 'Global Political Economy'.

External positions

Senior Fellow on Global Cities, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs

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