Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • 1 Citation (Scopus)
    11 Downloads (Pure)
  • Clinical translation of three-dimensional scar, diffusion tensor imaging, four-dimensional flow, and quantitative perfusion in cardiac MRI: A comprehensive review

    Paddock, S., Tsampasian, V., Assadi, H., Mota, B. C., Swift, A. J., Chowdhary, A., Swoboda, P., Levelt, E., Sammut, E., Dastidar, A., Broncano Cabrero, J., Del Val, J. R., Malcolm, P., Sun, J., Ryding, A., Sawh, C., Greenwood, R., Hewson, D., Vassiliou, V. & Garg, P., 7 Jul 2021, In: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 8, 682027.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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    14 Citations (Scopus)
    37 Downloads (Pure)
  • Drug coated balloons for coronary artery bifurcation lesions: A systematic review and focused meta-analysis

    Corballis, N. H., Paddock, S., Gunawardena, T., Merinopoulos, I., Vassiliou, V. & Eccleshall, S. C., 9 Jul 2021, In: PLoS One. 16, 7, e0251986.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    23 Citations (SciVal)
    50 Downloads (Pure)
  • Exploring UK medical school differences: the MedDifs study of selection, teaching, student and F1 perceptions, postgraduate outcomes and fitness to practise

    McManus, I. C., Harborne, A. C., Horsfall, H. L., Joseph, T., Smith, D. T., Marshall-Andon, T., Samuels, R., Kearsley, J. W., Abbas, N., Baig, H., Beecham, J., Benons, N., Caird, C., Clark, R., Cope, T., Coultas, J., Debenham, L., Douglas, S., Eldridge, J., Hughes-Gooding, T., & 169 othersJakubowska, A., Jones, O., Lancaster, E., MacMillan, C., McAllister, R., Merzougui, W., Phillips, B., Phillips, S., Risk, O., Sage, A., Sooltangos, A., Spencer, R., Tajbakhsh, R., Adesalu, O., Aganin, I., Ahmed, A., Aiken, K., Akeredolu, A. S., Alam, I., Ali, A., Anderson, R., Ang, J. J., Anis, F. S., Aojula, S., Arthur, C., Ashby, A., Ashraf, A., Aspinall, E., Awad, M., Yahaya, A. M. A., Badhrinarayanan, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., Barnes, S., Bassey-Duke, D., Boreham, C., Braine, R., Brandreth, J., Carrington, Z., Cashin, Z., Chatterjee, S., Chawla, M., Chean, C. S., Clements, C., Clough, R., Coulthurst, J., Curry, L., Daniels, V. C., Davies, S., Davis, R., De Waal, H., Desai, N., Douglas, H., Druce, J., Ejamike, L. N., Esere, M., Eyre, A., Fazmin, I. T., Fitzgerald-Smith, S., Ford, V., Freeston, S., Garnett, K., General, W., Gilbert, H., Gowie, Z., Grafton-Clarke, C., Gudka, K., Gumber, L., Gupta, R., Harlow, C., Harrington, A., Heaney, A., Ho, W. H. S., Holloway, L., Hood, C., Houghton, E., Houshangi, S., Howard, E., Human, B., Hunter, H., Hussain, I., Hussain, S., Jackson-Taylor, R. T., Jacob-Ramsdale, B., Janjuha, R., Jawad, S., Jelani, M., Johnston, D., Jones, M., Kalidindi, S., Kalsi, S., Kalyanasundaram, A., Kane, A., Kaur, S., Al-Othman, O. K., Khan, Q., Khullar, S., Kirkland, P., Lawrence-Smith, H., Leeson, C., Lenaerts, J. E. R., Long, K., Lubbock, S., Burrell, J. M. D., Maguire, R., Mahendran, P., Majeed, S., Malhotra, P. S., Mandagere, V., Mantelakis, A., McGovern, S., Mosuro, A., Moxley, A., Mustoe, S., Myers, S., Nadeem, K., Nasseri, R., Newman, T., Nzewi, R., Ogborne, R., Omatseye, J., Paddock, S., Parkin, J., Patel, M., Pawar, S., Pearce, S., Penrice, S., Purdy, J., Ramjan, R., Randhawa, R., Rasul, U., Raymond-Taggert, E., Razey, R., Razzaghi, C., Reel, E., Revell, E. J., Rigbye, J., Rotimi, O., Said, A., Sanders, E., Sangal, P., Grandal, N. S., Shah, A., Shah, R. A., Shotton, O., Sims, D., Smart, K., Smith, M. A., Smith, N., Sopian, A. S., South, M., Speller, J., Syer, T. J., Ta, N. H., Tadross, D., Thompson, B., Trevett, J., Tyler, M., Ullah, R., Utukuri, M., Vadera, S., Van Den Tooren, H., Venturini, S., Vijayakumar, A., Vine, M., Wellbelove, Z., Wittner, L., Yong, G. H. K., Ziyada, F. & Devine, O. P., 14 May 2020, In: BMC Medicine. 18, 1, 136.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    42 Citations (SciVal)
    15 Downloads (Pure)
  • The Analysis of Teaching of Medical Schools (AToMS) survey: an analysis of 47,258 timetabled teaching events in 25 UK medical schools relating to timing, duration, teaching formats, teaching content, and problem-based learning

    Devine, O. P., Harborne, A. C., Horsfall, H. L., Joseph, T., Marshall-Andon, T., Samuels, R., Kearsley, J. W., Abbas, N., Baig, H., Beecham, J., Benons, N., Caird, C., Clark, R., Cope, T., Coultas, J., Debenham, L., Douglas, S., Eldridge, J., Hughes-Gooding, T., Jakubowska, A., & 168 othersJones, O., Lancaster, E., MacMillan, C., McAllister, R., Merzougui, W., Phillips, B., Phillips, S., Risk, O., Sage, A., Sooltangos, A., Spencer, R., Tajbakhsh, R., Adesalu, O., Aganin, I., Ahmed, A., Aiken, K., Akeredolu, A-S., Alam, I., Ali, A., Anderson, R., Ang, J. J., Anis, F. S., Aojula, S., Arthur, C., Ashby, A., Ashraf, A., Aspinall, E., Awad, M., Yahaya, A-M. A., Badhrinarayanan, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., Barnes, S., Bassey-Duke, D., Boreham, C., Braine, R., Brandreth, J., Carrington, Z., Cashin, Z., Chatterjee, S., Chawla, M., Chean, C. S., Clements, C., Clough, R., Coulthurst, J., Curry, L., Daniels, V. C., Davies, S., Davis, R., De Waal, H., Desai, N., Douglas, H., Druce, J., Ejamike, L-N., Esere, M., Eyre, A., Fazmin, I. T., Fitzgerald-Smith, S., Ford, V., Freeston, S., Garnett, K., General, W., Gilbert, H., Gowie, Z., Grafton-Clarke, C., Gudka, K., Gumber, L., Gupta, R., Harlow, C., Harrington, A., Heaney, A., Ho, W. H. S., Holloway, L., Hood, C., Houghton, E., Houshangi, S., Howard, E., Human, B., Hunter, H., Hussain, I., Hussain, S., Jackson-Taylor, R. T., Jacob-Ramsdale, B., Janjuha, R., Jawad, S., Jelani, M., Johnston, D., Jones, M., Kalidindi, S., Kalsi, S., Kalyanasundaram, A., Kane, A., Kaur, S., Al-Othman, O. K., Khan, Q., Khullar, S., Kirkland, P., Lawrence-Smith, H., Leeson, C., Lenaerts, J. E. R., Long, K., Lubbock, S., Burrell, J. M. D., Maguire, R., Mahendran, P., Majeed, S., Malhotra, P. S., Mandagere, V., Mantelakis, A., McGovern, S., Mosuro, A., Moxley, A., Mustoe, S., Myers, S., Nadeem, K., Nasseri, R., Newman, T., Nzewi, R., Ogborne, R., Omatseye, J., Paddock, S., Parkin, J., Patel, M., Pawar, S., Pearce, S., Penrice, S., Purdy, J., Ramjan, R., Randhawa, R., Rasul, U., Raymond-Taggert, E., Razey, R., Razzaghi, C., Reel, E., Revell, E. J., Rigbye, J., Rotimi, O., Said, A., Sanders, E., Sangal, P., Grandal, N. S., Shah, A., Shah, R. A., Shotton, O., Sims, D., Smart, K., Smith, M. A., Smith, N., Sopian, A. S., South, M., Speller, J., Syer, T. J., Ta, N. H., Tadross, D., Thompson, B., Trevett, J., Tyler, M., Ullah, R., Utukuri, M., Vadera, S., van den Tooren, H., Venturini, S., Vijayakumar, A., Vine, M., Wellbelove, Z., Wittner, L., Yong, G. H. K., Ziyada, F. & McManus, I. C., 14 May 2020, In: BMC Medicine. 18, 1, 126.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    31 Citations (SciVal)
    11 Downloads (Pure)