Projects per year
Personal profile
I joined UEA's School of Education and Lifelong Learning in 2013 in order to lead its expanding postgraduate studies suite and develop research in the area of sociology of educational and youth studies. Before coming to UEA, I held positions at Middlesex University (Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer), Birmingham City University (Visiting Lecturer), University of East London (research associate and then research fellow) and led two modules at UCL Institute of Education.
Before joining academia, I interned at the Ministry of Justice, London, taught at various independent primary and secondary schools in London and worked as a consultant for a German-based company offering evaluation, assessment and advice to multinational enterprises in the UK.
I have won a number of competitive awards of national (e.g. 1+3 ESRC-funded scholarship), international (e.g. Marie Curie fellowship, jointly funded by the EU and the Central European University) and cross-national distinction (e.g. fellowship sponsored by the Universities of Lecce, Italy, and Ioannina, Greece). I have designed and delivered workshops, developed resources and participated in international projects and events aiming to explore the role of critical education in educational and social change.
My current research interests focus on youth activism and social movements as well as educational inequalities in comparative perspective.
Key Responsibilities
- UEA Aurora lead for Culture: Diversity and Identity
- Course Director of the MA in Education: Learning, Pedagogy and Assessment
- Internationalisation Coordinator
- SeNSS Pathway Institutional Leader for Education
Teaching Interests
EDUE7030A-Pedagogies in Global Educational Contexts. Core module for the MA Learning, Pedagogy and Assessment.
EDUE7035- Critical Reading. Core module for the MA Education.
Key Research Interests
The research I conduct is interdisciplinary and multilingual (i.e. in English, Greek, Spanish and Portuguese). My expertise is in critical pedagogy/education, youth and social movements, social mobility/inequalities, Gypsy/Roma/Travellers and inclusion. My methodological expertise is in mixed methods, ethnography, participatory research and research (synthesis) evaluation. Some competitive research projects I have won or participated include:
- Synthesis evaluation of the Norwich and Ipswich Opportunity Areas, DfE. (£47,977). CO-PI with J. Craske and A. Balckett (2022).
- Building of an Inclusive and democratic Europe against the rise of fascism and xenophobia. Jean Monett (EU). PI J. J. R. Fernandez, Universidad de León (2020-22).
- Capacity building and internalisation: building sustainable partnership between UEA and UECE. British Council (£20,000). With C. N. Alencar, UECE, Brazil (PI). (2018).
- The role of financial support in widening participation; A systematic review. Widening Participation Committee, UEA (£50,000). Co-PI with Ming Cheng (2017-18).
- Exploring issues of financial hardship and potential food insecurity among HE students. The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC, currently Earlham Institute). (£10,500). CO-PI with Konidari, E. Angiolini (2015-16).
- Thematic Forum ‘Challenging deficit discourses in international education and development’. British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE). CO-I. UEA and University of Leeds. (2014).
- Curriculum-based innovations to improve learning outcomes for Roma children (part of UNESCO’s 2013/14 report ‘Education for All Global Monitoring: Teaching and learning: Achieving quality for all’). UNESCO. (€ 4,000). CO-PI with B. Foster. (2013).
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Doctor of Philosophy, University of London
Award Date: 1 Jan 2009
Master of Research, University of London
Award Date: 1 Jan 2005
Master of Science, University of Bristol
Award Date: 1 Jan 2002
Bachelor of Science, University of Ioannina
Award Date: 1 Jan 1999
- Education (General)
- pedagogy
- critical pedagogy
- sociology of education
- Radicals
- Social Work & Sociology
- social class
- ethnicity
- inequalities
- minorities
- Disadvantage
- globalisation
- Social Sciences (General)
- youth movements
- social movements
- activism
- Higher Education
- comparative education
- international education
Media Expertise
- Education
- Sustainable development
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Youth participation, intergenerational learning and sustainable livelihoods: youth-focused, creative participatory workshops in the Philippines, Ethiopia and Nepal (RR)
Robinson-Pant, A., Jere, C., Millora, C. & Themelis, S.
1/08/22 → 31/12/23
Project: Internal Funding › AHRC IAA Fund
Scholarship to undertake educational research
Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers
1/08/14 → 31/12/14
Project: Research
The Pedagogy of Radical Change: Social Movements, Resistance and Alternative Futures in Higher Education and Society
Themelis, S., 2024, (Accepted/In press) Bloomsbury Academic. 208 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book
Youth movements in Europe: Disrupting neoliberalism, colonialism and ecocide through sustainable praxis
Themelis, S., Chalari, M. & Atta, E., 2024, (Accepted/In press) Political and Social Movements: Encyclopaedia of Social Justice in Education. Bloomsbury AcademicResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Colonialisms and Class
Themelis, S., 2022, Encyclopaedia of Marxism and Education. Maisuria, A. (ed.). Brill, p. 81-94 14 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
Educational inclusion of vulnerable children and young people after Covid‐19
Themelis, S. & Tuck, A., 19 May 2022, In: Social Inclusion. 10, 2, p. 156-159 4 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Editorial › peer-review
Open AccessFile3 Citations (Scopus)6 Downloads (Pure) -
Ipswich Opportunity Area Synthesis Evaluation
Craske, J., Themelis, S. & Blackett, A., 8 Aug 2022, Norwich: University of East Anglia. 57 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
Open AccessFile40 Downloads (Pure)
UK Literacy Association
Harry Dyer (Speaker), Simon Hammond (Participant), Spyros Themelis (Speaker), Kate Russell (Speaker), Kimberley Bartholomew (Participant), Emma Clough (Speaker) & Gibson Zucca Da Silva (Speaker)
6 Jul 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Comparative and International Educational Society Annual Conference
Spyros Themelis (Speaker), Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite (Speaker) & Greg Misiaszek (Speaker)
Mar 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
'What’ is an activist? Learning and enacting emergent youth civic engagements - paper presented at BERA 2023
Harry Dyer (Speaker), Esther Priyadharshini (Contributor), Lauren Bouttell (Contributor), Chris Millora (Contributor), Natasha Rennolds (Contributor) & Spyros Themelis (Contributor)
12 Sep 2023 → 14 Sep 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
Education, crisis and social movements. Invited talk
Spyros Themelis (Speaker)
Aug 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Invited talk
Presidential panel. Sustainability Education: Comparative practices for justice-based, planetary pedagogies
Spyros Themelis (Keynote/plenary speaker), Greg Misiaszek (Keynote/plenary speaker) & Tristan McCowan (Keynote/plenary speaker)
Feb 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Invited talk
KNUST’s Faculty of Educational Studies to host a three-way international dialogue with University of East Anglia and Ceara State university
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media Coverage or Contribution
New trilateral agreement signed between UECE, UECE(Brazil) and KNUST (Ghana)
Spyros Themelis & Hidelbrando Soares
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media Coverage or Contribution