Projects per year
Personal profile
Stathis Banakas is a Professor of Comparative Law. In the Autumn Semester 2008/09 he was on study leave at the European University Institute in Florence, where he was a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow, working on a research project ‘Global Justice and Private Law’. He has a Law Degree ("Ptycheion Nomikis") from the University of Athens, Greece, and a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, England. He is an Attorney at Law (Dikigoros), member of the Athens Bar. He teaches Tort, Jurisprudence and Comparative Law, and an LL.M. course Harmonisation of European Private Law. He currently is also Adjunct Professor of Comparative Law at the London Programme of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, invited Professor at the French Law Faculties of Bordeaux ,Pau and Savoie, Professor of Comparative Law at the International Faculty of Comparative Law, Strasbourg, the Faculty of Law of the School of Business Studies (ESADE), University Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and the University of Luzern in Switzerland.. He has held numerous visiting appointments in the past at Universities in several European countries, North Africa and the USA. In 2002, he was Visiting professor at the University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne. Dr Banakas is a member of the International Academy of Comparative law (Common Law Section) and English law editor of the venerable Italian Law Journal 'Rivista di Diritto Civile'. He has directed several international projects of Academic Research Collaboration with Universities in other European countries, funded by foreign national Governments and the British Council, and regularly represents the UK in European Working Groups on Harmonisation of European Tort law. From 2002 to 2006 he was UK project leader of a EU-funded research training network project, Fundamental Rights and Private Law in the EU. He is currently acting as external examiner for the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and, also, the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
Key Research Interests
His main research interests are: Global Justice and Private law, the Law of Negligence, Comparative Law, European and Global Private Law, French, German and Greek Civil law.
Chapters in Books
'E Pluribus Unus: The UK Mix of Plurality and Uniformity of Laws' in D Hamberstam and M Reimann (eds) Unification of Laws in Federal Systems (2012) forthcoming
'Private Property, Public Access and Access to Information: A Comparative Analysis' in G Bruggemeier (ed) Fundamental Rights and Private Law (CUP Cambridge 2010) Vol II 281 (with J Gajdosova)
‘Injuries, Damages and a Puzzle: Can an Effect ever Precede its Cause?’, in H-J Ahrens, C. von Bar, Gerfried Fischer, Andreas Spickhoff, J. Taupitz (eds). Medizin und Haftung, Festschrift fuer Erwin Deutsch zum 80. Geburtstag (Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2009) 729-747
‘Harmonisation of European Contract Law and General Principles of Contracts: A Common Lawyer’s look into the future’ in Emanuela Navarretta (ed.), Il diritto europeo dei contratti (2008) 539-559.
'Voluntary Assumption of Extra-Contra-Contractual Liability in English Civil Law: A Paradox?' in Private Law: Past Present and Future (Justitia Vilnius 2008) 33-46
‘European Tort Law in the new millennium: Reflections on Dover Beach’, in Liber Amicorum in onore di Francesco D. Busnelli (2008) 271-291.
‘Intruding into Contracts between Others –The English Way’, in K. Boele-Woelki, F.W. Grosheide (eds.), The Future of European Contract Law (Kluwer Law International, 2007) 231-246
‘Reliance liability in English and German Tort Law. A comparative study’, in Justice in Particular. Festschrift in Honour of Professor P. J. Kozyris, (2007) 41-66
‘The Constitutionalisation of Private Law in the United Kingdom: is there an Emperor inside the new Clothes?’, in Tom Barkhuysen/Siewert D. Linderbergh (eds), Constitutionalisation of Private Law (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Leiden 2006) 83-96
‘What is Tort law for in Today’s World?’ in Essays on Tort, Insurance, Law and Society, in Honour of Bill W. Dufwa, Vol. I (Jure Voerlag AB, Stockholm 2006) 99-109
Journal Articles
'Private Law Remedies and Procedures: A Double-Edged Sword?' [2010] Journal of Comparative Law 1
‘Liability for Contractual Negotiations in English Law: Looking for the Litmus Test’ InDret Comparado, Revista para el Análisis del Derecho Nº1 2009, 1-21
‘Unde Venis et Quo Vadis? European Tort law revisited’, in Schweizerisches Zeitschrift fuer Internationales und Europaeisches Recht, No 4 2008, 295-320
‘El derecho Europea de Danos en el Nuevo Milenio: Reflexiones en la Playa de Dover’, in Practica Derecho de Danos 62, 4-17 (2008)
‘A Global Concept of Justice-Dream or Nightmare? Looking at different Concepts of Justice or Righteousness competing in today’s World’ [2007] Louisiana Law Review 1021-1041
‘Causalité juridique et imputation : réflexions sur quelques développements récents en droit anglais’, Revue Lamy Droit Civil, Suppl. au No 40, July/August 2007, 93
‘Understanding Trusts: A Comparative View of Property Rights in Europe’, published on-line, InDret 323, 1/2006, 1-9,
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 3 Finished
Medicinal Products in a World Pandemic: Property, Regulation and Liability
1/01/21 → 15/02/24
Project: Research
Contractual space and third parties: A comparison
Banakas, S., 13 Feb 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Journal of Civil Law Studies.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Цифровые отношения как предмет правового исследования
Banakas, S., Petrov, D. A., Popondopulo, V. F. & Silina, E. V., 11 May 2023, In: Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Право (Herald St Petersburg State University. Law). 14, 2, p. 492-509 18 p.Translated title of the contribution :Digital relationships as a subject of legal research Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile99 Downloads (Pure) -
European Traditions of Tort liability: Prolegomena to a new European Tort law
Banakas, S., Jun 2020, ‘Europa e America Latina: due continenti, un solo diritto. Unità e specificità del sistema giuridico latinoamericano’. Cacage, S. & Saccoccio, A. (eds.). Milan, 26 p. (Series of the Department of Law of the University of Brescia Quaderni).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
The Contract of Services in English law
Banakas, S., 2020, La Modernizacion del contratto de servicios, . Infante Ruiz, F. I. R. & Oliva Blazquez, F. (eds.).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Visions of Tort law in Different Traditions: What are the challenges ahead?
Banakas, S., 1 Sept 2020, In: Journal of Comparative Law. XV, 2, p. 250-263 14 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile64 Downloads (Pure)
Louisiana State University
Stathis Banakas (Visiting researcher)
1 Sept 2023 → 30 Sept 2023Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting Appointment
Universidad Panamericana
Stathis Banakas (Visiting researcher)
1 Jul 2023 → 31 Jul 2023Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting Appointment
D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara
Efstathios Banakas (Visiting professor)
1 Jun 2023 → 30 Jun 2023Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting Appointment
Universidad Rovira i Virgili
Stathis Banakas (Visiting researcher)
1 May 2023 → 31 May 2023Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting Appointment
University of Naples Federico II
Stathis Banakas (Visiting researcher)
1 Apr 2023 → 30 Apr 2023Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting Appointment