Projects per year
Personal profile
Terry Haydn worked for 19 years as a history teacher in an inner-city school in Manchester before moving into teacher education in the Department of History, Humanities and Philosophy at the Institute of Education, University of London. In 1996 he moved to the University of East Anglia, working as curriculum tutor for the secondary history PGCE, and course director of the Secondary Team. He was awarded his Doctorate from the University of London in 2004; the thesis was on the role of new technology in history teaching in England and Wales 1974-2002. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2002, Reader in 2005 and became Professor of Education at the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia in 2010. He continues to work as history curriculum tutor, supervises doctoral students, and contributes to the PhD, Ed. D, MA and undergraduate programmes.
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Terry says, "I think that it is important to produce teachers who are dedicated, inspirational and able to motivate and engage pupils in learning. A key part of this, in terms of history education, is to give pupils a clear sense of the importance and relevance of history to their lives outside school and after leaving school. I hope that all strands of my research will contribute to enabling teachers to teach more effectively, and to more committed and productive learning for pupils".
Key Research Interests
His initial research interests and doctoral thesis were in the field of History of Education, and he has written widely on the teaching of history and the history curriculum, with a particular interest in differing views on the purposes and benefits of school history. He also has an interest in the use of new technology in history teaching, and has edited two books on this subject. His interest in new technology extends to the ways in which initial teacher education institutions attempt to develop the ICT capability of subject teachers, and he conducted the UK strand of a recent OECD Project to explore the ways in which student teachers learned to become proficient in their use of ICT in subject teaching ( He also has in interest in classroom climate and the management of pupil behaviour in school. His book, Managing pupil behaviour: working to improve classroom climate (2012, London, Routledge) is widely used in teacher education in the UK and beyond, and the 10 point scale on which the research was based has become one of the most widely used instruments in the field of classroom climate ( He also has an interest in the ways in which school history and new technology influence young people’s ideas about citizenship and identity, and is currently working on the EU funded EHISTO project, which is exploring the use and influence of popular history magazines across several European countries (
Recent funded research projects include:
Associate to the Centre for Holocaust Education Beacon Schools Project funded by DfE/Pears Foundation, July 2012- September 2013 (£3,000)
An enquiry into the issue of young people who are not in education, employment or training in West Norfolk, Opportunities West Norfolk
Survey of the use of ICT in Initial Teacher Education, OECD
Behaviour for Learning, TDA.
Evaluation of CPD opportunities for history teachers, Historical Association
An enquiry into differences in take-up of history post Key Stage 3, QCANASC Research Consortium,
Curriculum Dimensions of Disaffection in Secondary Schools, TTA.
'Why not teaching?' project, CfBT
Children's understanding of time BECTa.
Monitoring the History Curriculum 3-19: Review of research and other related evidence, QCA.
European dimensions of pupil disaffection in schools, (with Autonomous University of Barcelona and CNEFEI Institute Paris, EU funded.
Creative approaches to subject pedagogy, Arts Council/Creative Partnerships.
Factors influencing teacher trainees progression in ICT competence, BECTa.
Do Different Networked Learning Community, NCSL.
Survey of history teachers use of and attitude to ICT, BECTa.
Evaluation of Networked Learning Communities web portal, Learning Exchange Online, funded by NCSL.
Things to consider in constructing digital resources for history teachers in the UK; Report for BBC.
Review of assessment procedures for trainee teachers and approaches to the development of competence in ICT, TTA.
Pupil perspectives on history at KS3, QCA.
E-HELP (European History E-Learning Project), EU funded.
‘Widening participation’: second phase funding for Creative approaches to subject pedagogy, DfES.
Case Studies for the use of ICT in History, UNESCO/IITE.
E-Learning in Initial Teacher Education, TTA.
Learning to Teach History in the Secondary School, Haydn, T., Hunt, M. Arthur, J. and Stephen, A. (2006), (3rd edition) London, Routledge
Managing pupil behaviour: key issues in teaching and learning, Haydn, T. (2008)London, Routledge Falmer
Journal Articles
Longing for the past: politicians and the history curriculum in English schools, 1988-2010, Journal of Education, Media, Memory and Society, Vol. 4, No. 1: 7-25. (2012)
(with Richard Harris) What happens to a subject in a ‘free market’ curriculum? a study of secondary school history in the UK, Research Papers in Education, Vol. 27, No. 1:81-101. (2012)
(with Maria Grever And Ben Pelzer) High school students’ views on history, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 43, No. 2:207-229 (2011)
Case studies of the ways in which initial teacher education providers in England prepare student teachers to use ICT effectively in their subject teaching, Paris, OECD (2010). Available online at
Lessons learned? Teaching student teachers to use ICT in their subject teaching: a view from the UK, Australian Educational Computing, (2010) Vol. 24, No 2: 35-42
(with Richard Harris) Pupil perspectives on the purposes and benefits of studying history in high school, a view from the UK, Journal of Curriculum Studies, (2010) Vol. 42 (2): 241-61
(with Richard Harris) Children’s ideas about what it means to get better at history: a view from the UK, International Journal of Historical Teaching, Learning and Research, (2009) Vol 8, No. 2: 26-40.
(with Roy Barton) ‘First do no harm’: factors influencing teachers’ ability and willingness to use ICT in their subject teaching, Computers and Education, (2008) Vol. 51, No. 1: 439-447
(with Maria Grever and Kees Ribbens) Identity and school history: the perspective of young people from the Netherlands and England, British Journal of Educational Studies, (2008) Vol. 56, No.1: 76-94
(with Roy Barton and Ann Oliver) An alternative model of continuing professional development for teachers: giving teachers time, International Educational Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1
(with Roy Barton) Common needs and different agendas: how trainee teachers make progress in their ability to use ICT in subject teaching. Some lessons from the UK, Computers and Education, Vol. 49: 1018-1036
ICT, education and impact learning in the social sciences, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 9
(with Roy Barton) ‘First do no harm’: developing teachers’ ability to use ICT in subject teaching: some lessons from the UK, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 365-368
Book Chapters
History wars in the United Kingdom 1960-2011, in S. Lassig, M. Repoussi and L. Cajani (eds) History Wars, Braunshweig, Georg-Eckert Institute (in press 2012)
History Magazines in the UK, in S. Popp (Ed.), History sells, Augsburg, University of Augsburg (in press 2012)
What messages does school history send about pluralism, inclusion and citizenship? A view from the UK, in S. J. Maldoran (Ed.) Citizenship: inclusion or exclusion? A contemporary survey, Oxford, Interdisciplinary Press: 23-32 (2011)
ICT and Citizenship, in J. Arthur (Ed.) (2011) Debates in Citizenship Education, London, Routledge
History teaching in the United Kingdom, in E. Erdmann and D. Hasberg (eds) (2011) Facing and bridging diversity. History education in Europe, Berlin, LIT Verlag
History and ICT, in I. Davies (ed.) (2011) Debates in history teaching, London, Routledge
Current themes in secondary history, in I. Davies (ed.) (2011) Debates in history teaching, London, Routledge
What does it mean ‘to be good at ICT’ at school and university?, G. Baker and A. Fisher (eds) (2011), Arts and Humanities Academics in Schools, London, Continuum
Getting teachers to use new technology by just giving them more time, in B. Olaniran (ed.) (2010) Cases on successful e-learning practices in the developing and developed world, New York, IGI Global
Towards independent learning in history: Year 10, in H. Cooper and A. Chapman (eds) (2009) Constructing history in the secondary school: enjoyable learning, case studies, pupil voices, London, Sage
Assessment, motivation and learning, in S. Capel, M. Leask and T.Turner (eds) 2009) Learning to teach in the secondary school, London, RoutledgeFalmer
Citizenship, in V. Brooks, I. Abbott, and L. Bills (eds) (2008) Preparing to teach in secondary schools, London, Open University Press
Areas of Expertise
Teaching Interests
His main teaching commitment is as history curriculum tutor on the secondary PGCE course, He also contributes to the PhD, EdD and MA and undergraduate courses.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- 9 Finished
European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education (EHISTO)
Augsburg, P., Haydn, T., Educati, S., Lodz, J., Salamanca, P. & Vinterek, M.
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
1/11/12 → 31/10/14
Project: Research
Schooling Society - what role does schooling play in citizenship and cohesion in Europe in the 21st Centry
Keating, A. & Haydn, T.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/10/12 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
Mentoring History Teachers in the Secondary School: A Practical Guide
Crooks, V., London, L. & Haydn, T., 2024, London: Routledge. 240 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book
Telling the truth about migration: A view from England
Haydn, T., 2020, In: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture. 2020, 41, p. 13-38 26 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile55 Downloads (Pure) -
Triangulation in history education research - and its limitations: a view from the UK
Haydn, T., 30 Apr 2019, In: History Education Research Journal. 16, 1, p. 35-49 15 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile27 Downloads (Pure) -
How is ‘Empire’ taught in English schools? An exploratory study
Haydn, T., 2017, (Accepted/In press) Colonialism and History Teaching. Gorbahn, K. & Grindel, S. (eds.). Oxford: BerghahnResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Assessing pupil progress: what do we know about good practice?
Haydn, T., 15 Mar 2016, Learning to teach in the secondary school: A companion to school experience . Capel, S., Leask, M. & Younie, S. (eds.). 7 ed. London: Routledge, (Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter