Projects per year
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Recovery with dignity
Few, R., Chhotray, V., Marsh, H. & Tebboth, M.
26/09/18 → 25/09/21
Project: Research
Advanced Training Initiative
Lebeau, Y., Chhotray, V., Finlayson, A., Lorenzoni, I., Priyadharshini, E. & Watts, S.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/10/14 → 30/09/17
Project: Research
Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR)
Few, R., Budds, J., Camfield, L., Chhotray, V. & Rao, N.
International Development Research Centre
20/02/14 → 19/11/18
Project: Research
CoCooN Conflict and Cooperation in the Management of Climate Change: Hydropower Development in the Context of Climate Change: exploring conflicts and fostering cooperation across scales and boundaries in the Eastern Himalayas
Chhotray, V., Budds, J., Chettri, S., Choudhry, G., Clement, F., Das, P., Gyawali, D., Huber, A., Joy, K., Khawas, V., Kullarni, H., Leibrand, J., Mehta, S., Shrestha, H., Sugden, F. & Zwaarteveen, M.
2/01/14 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
Scalar Politics and Wicked Problems: how climate change mediates conflicts and solidarities around hydropower development in the Eastern Himalayas (research proposal planning workshop)
Chhotray, V., Budds, J., Das (Aaranyak), P. J., Gyawali (Nepal Water Conservation), D., Joy (Forum fo Policy Dialogue..), K., Khawas (Sikkim University), V., Kullarni (ACWADAM), H., Mahanta (Indian Inst. Cen. for Env., C., Mehta (International Rivers), S., Shrestha (Nepal Engineering Coll), H. & Zwaarteveen (Wageningen Uni), M.
1/02/13 → 28/02/13
Project: Research
Just Ecosystem Management: Linking ecosystem services with poverty alleviation
Sikor, T., Chhotray, V., Few, R., Martin, A. & Zeitoun, M.
Natural Environment Research Council
15/11/10 → 15/05/13
Project: Research
Joint Master's in Sustainable Development Practice Programme
TERI School of Advanced Studies
1/01/10 → 31/07/11
Project: Other
Impact of Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs on Human Wellbeing in the Pongola Region, S Africa
Lankford, B., Chhotray, V. & Ellis, F.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/01/09 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
After the storm: memories of vulnerability following the Orissa super-cyclone 1999.
15/11/08 → 30/04/09
Project: Research