Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation

Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively


Title of project: "Interactive molecular docking in virtual reality for engaging and educating students about drug design"

Value: £5000

Project: We (Steven Hayward and Stephen Laycock) propose to use DockIT in several Japanese universities and institutes to demonstrate how it can be used for research, teaching students in the biological sciences about drug development and outreach. We propose to do this using the HDAC6 target system. We will bring with us the necessary equipment, (GPU enabled laptop and VR equipment). We propose to demonstrate DockIT in the groups of the following scientists during the period 10-23 September 2024:

Professor Akio Kitao, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Professor Yuji Sugita, RIKEN.
Professor Mitsunori Ikeguchi, Yokohama City University.
Professor Kei Yura, Ochanomizu University.
Professor Kengo Kinoshita, Tohoku University.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsGreat Britain Sasakawa Foundation (The)