£10, 000 Business Fellowship: The business fellow (Jo Geere) was actively involved in developing ‘Invigorate’ within the School of Allied Health Professionals. The fellowship created an opportunity to develop the fellow’s skills and capacity to lead Invigorate or other enterprise or engagement (E&E) projects linked to the ATS academic role. Securing and ring-fencing time to engage with the Invigorate project was seen as an ideal opportunity for professional development and capacity building through ‘learning in action’. The fellowship objectives were therefore explicitly linked to those related to the Invigorate project, to:
• Provide effective leadership and project management in implementation of the business plan to ensure that Invigorate generates annual profits for the school
• Manage the Invigorate team to enable them to provide an excellent service and fully engage with the delivery of commissioned work
• Ensure that Invigorate consistently provides an excellent service of the highest quality to its customers through effective evaluation and monitoring of the service
• Establish an efficient and sustainable method of organising and monitoring Invigorate independently within the Faculty of Health
• Evaluate the viability of invigorate as an on-going enterprise activity within the Faculty of Health