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Artificial Intelligence, Income Distribution and Macroeconomic Performance
Valente, S.
4/10/21 → 2/12/22
Project: Research
Cultural Transmission and Social Norms workshop 3
Hugh-Jones, D.
Independent Social Research Foundation
1/02/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Second Cultural Transmission and Social Norms workshop
Hugh-Jones, D.
1/10/17 → 10/02/18
Project: Research
The conceptual structure of mathematical economics - 2 day conference
14/02/13 → 15/02/13
Project: Research
The norm of honesty: empirical studies on school pupils and the UK population
Hugh-Jones, D.
Economic and Social Research Council
7/04/15 → 6/04/17
Project: Research
International migration: experts and experience (ESRC Festival of Social Science)
Economic and Social Research Council
4/11/17 → 11/11/17
Project: Other
The determinants of consumer engagement
Economic and Social Research Council
28/10/20 → 30/09/21
Project: Research
Complexity and Focal Points in Bargaining Situations: Experimental Evidence
1/03/10 → 1/09/11
Project: Research
Algorithms for Finding Approximate Nash Equilibria
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/12/13 → 30/11/16
Project: Research
Understanding Unstructured Bargaining Situations: Experimental Evidence
1/04/11 → 30/06/13
Project: Research
Choice Overload and Stochastic Dominance (NIBS)
Economic and Social Research Council
30/05/22 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Bidding in laboratory auctions: a direct comparison of private, common and general affiliated values settings
1/07/12 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Developing a behaviour change toolkit in a coastal change environment
1/03/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
From a Curse to a Blessing? Transparency and Accountability in Managing High-Value Natural Resource Revenues (TrAcRevenues)
Brunnschweiler, C.
1/07/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
A Behavioural Economic Analysis of Agricultural Investment Decisions in Uganda
27/01/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Cooperative Bargaining Situations: Experimental Evidence
Poulsen, A. & Montero, M.
1/04/14 → 20/12/16
Project: Research
A Behavioural Economic Analysis of Agricultural Investment Decisions in Uganda
Economic and Social Research Council
20/02/12 → 19/02/15
Project: Research