Floral heteromorphy in Primula

  • Gilmartin, Philip (Principal Investigator)
  • Hayta, Sadiye (Researcher)

Project Details

Effective start/end date13/01/1612/01/17


  • Gatsby Charitable Foundation (The): £32,815.00
  • Aegilops sharonensis genome-assisted identification of stem rust resistance gene Sr62

    Yu, G., Matny, O., Champouret, N., Steuernagel, B., Moscou, M. J., Hernández-Pinzón, I., Green, P., Hayta, S., Smedley, M., Harwood, W., Kangara, N., Yue, Y., Gardener, C., Banfield, M. J., Olivera, P. D., Welchin, C., Simmons, J., Millet, E., Minz-Dub, A., Ronen, M. & 20 others, Avni, R., Sharon, A., Patpour, M., Justesen, A. F., Jayakodi, M., Himmelbach, A., Stein, N., Wu, S., Poland, J., Ens, J., Pozniak, C., Karafiátová, M., Molnár, I., Doležel, J., Ward, E. R., Reuber, T. L., Jones, J. D. G., Mascher, M., Steffenson, B. J. & Wulff, B. B. H., 25 Mar 2022, In: Nature Communications. 13, 1, 1607 .

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