SpectralEdge Image Visualisation

Project Details


A number of important imaging applications capture images from multiple sources, or channels. For example, satellite imaging systems capture images in both the visible and infra-red parts of the electromagnetic spectrum: the infra-red channels help to mitigate the effect of haze in obscuring the scene content, and help discriminate between features that are otherwise confounded in the visible-spectrum. The key problem, however, with capturing multiple images is that the extra information increases the cognitive load on the user (or computational load on automated algorithms), and can often hinder, rather than help, rapid decision making. As a result, a significant amount of effort has been put into finding ways to fuse multiple images into a single, easy to understand, image.

SpectralEdge Image Visualisation aims to deliver a step change in the ability to visualise information from multiple sources, or channels, in a single image. The technology maximises the information that is conveyed while, at the same time, guaranteeing artefact free outputs. The technology is a platform technology, and has a wide scope for potential application. In this proposal, however, we target a specific problem: fusing colour images with infra-red for applications in the security and defence sectors, where there is an immediate and direct need for this technology. A key objective of this project will be to develop prototype software that is tailored to the needs of these end-users.
Effective start/end date1/12/1031/08/11


  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: £63,742.00