A comparison of a new PV-sizing approach for stand- alone systems with conventional methodologies

Socrates Kaplanis, Eleni Kaplani

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

3 Citations (Scopus)


A new PV-sizing methodology for stand-alone systems is presented in this paper, which deals with the estimation of the Peak Power and the Capacity of the battery storage system in a way that the solar radiation statistical fluctuations are taken into account. This sizing approach differs from the one followed in the literature. A careful statistical study of solar energy fluctuations may lead to a considerable economy in the capital investment of a PV system capable to be energy independent for a number of days. An important consequence of this PV sizing methodology is that PR (performance ratio) values for S.A. systems are much higher than the values of the corresponding ones sized by the methodologies in literature.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of IASTED International Conference on European Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2006)
EditorsP.D. Bourkas, C.G. Karagiannopoulos
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventIASTED International Conference on European Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2006) - Rhodes, Greece
Duration: 26 Jun 200628 Jun 2006


ConferenceIASTED International Conference on European Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2006)

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