A Landweber algorithm for 3D confocal microscopy restoration

Daan Zhu, Moe Razaz, Richard Lee

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOther

2 Citations (Scopus)


A new Landweber algorithm for 3D microscopy deconvolution is introduced in this paper. The algorithm is formulated from the Fredholm equation of the first kind. Artificial 3D images are used to test this algorithm and the restored results are compared with a nonlinear iterative de-convolution algorithm (IDA). The experimental results show that the Landweber algorithm can effectively suppress background noise and remove asymmetric point spread function (PSF) degradation. Finally, a typical real 3D confocal image is restored by the Landweber algorithm and the results are compared with IDA.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duration: 23 Aug 200426 Aug 2004


Conference17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Abbreviated titleICPR-2004
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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