A protocol for the review of examples of transformational change in the energy and public health sectors to inform climate mitigation and adaptation interventions

Zharas Aitmambet, Joseph Dickman, Markus Frölich, Atika Pasha, Martin Prowse, Jyotsna Puri, Neha Sharma, Arne R. Weiss

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This article describes the approach for an evidence review that combines two different evidence gap maps into one learning exercise on transformational change. The review assesses the evidence in two sectors where there has been demonstrable progress in terms of scale, depth and permanence of change: in energy and in behavioural change in public health. The review uses causal evidence to assess how lessons about transformational change in these two sectors may inform climate change mitigation and adaptation investments in low- and middle-income countries. The evidence gap maps will inform the scope of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Development Research
Early online date2 Apr 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2 Apr 2024


  • Behavioural change in public health
  • Depth
  • Energy
  • Scale
  • Sustainability
  • Systematic review
  • Transformational change

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