A pszichológiai jóllét szociodemográfiai korrelátumai, kapcsolata a big five vonásokkal és az optimizmussal

Translated title of the contribution: The relationships between sociodemographic factors, big five, optimism and psychological well-being

Henriett Nagy, Máté Gyurkovics

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The multidimensional model of psychological well-being (PWB) was originally proposed by Ryff in 1989. Empirical studies investigating the relationship of personality and psychological well-being have clearly shown that extraversion (+), neuroticism (-) and optimism (+) are related to well-being. Aims: We seek to answer two questions: (1) can personality predict psychological well-being after controlling for demographic variables? and (2) can optimism predict well-being after controlling for the effects of the Big Five dimensions? Method: In our cross-sectional study 314 persons (63.7% women, mean age: 29.5 years, SD =10.96 years) took part. As the first step of the study, we recorded sociodemographic data, then participants completed the Big Five Questionnaire, Scales of Psychological Well-Being and the Life Orientation Test. Results: We found that financial status, current place of residence and parent's education had a significant effect on psychological well-being. Dispositional optimism was found to be moderately correlated with PWB (r = .61, p < .001), big five factors had a moderate at best association with psychological well-being (r = |0,27|-|0,45|, p < .01). According to the binary logistic regression analyses the big five factors had a significant effect on PWB even after controlling for sociodemographic variables (Nagelkerke R2 = 59.9%; χ2(17) = 156.35, p < .001). Furthermore, they also demonstrate that optimism has a significant effect on one's psychological well-being (OR = 4.32, p =.014), and this effect is independent from that of the big five factors (Nagelkerke R2 = 61.7%; χ2(18) = 162.75; p < .001; Δ χ2(1) = 6.39; p = .011). Conclusions: Our findings are consistent with previous research suggesting that the big five factors play an important role in PWB. Furthermore, they also demonstrate that optimism has a significant effect on one's psychological well-being, and this effect is independent from that of the big five factors.

Translated title of the contributionThe relationships between sociodemographic factors, big five, optimism and psychological well-being
Original languageHungarian
Pages (from-to)195-214
Number of pages20
JournalMentalhigiene es Pszichoszomatika
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2016


  • Big five factors
  • Optimism
  • Personality
  • Psychological well-being
  • Sociodemographic variables

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