Activity of antibacterial phytochemicals and their potential use as natural food preservatives

Ryan Sweet, Paul A. Kroon, Mark A. Webber

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


The risk to human health from bacterial foodborne infection is presently controlled by the addition of antimicrobial preservatives to food. However, the use of chemical preservatives such as sodium nitrite poses a health risk in themselves with concerns around carcinogenic effects. This makes the development of improved preservatives a priority for the food industry. One promising source of novel antimicrobial compounds can be found in nature; phytochemicals, in particular polyphenols are secondary metabolites produced by plants for numerous purposes including antimicrobial defence. There has been significant study of phytochemicals; including quantifying their antimicrobial activity, potential to synergise with current antibiotics and the feasibility of their application as natural food preservatives. However, there remains significant uncertainty about the relative antimicrobial efficacy of different phytochemicals, their mechanisms of action (MOA) and the potential for emergence of bacterial resistance to their effects. This review summarizes recent work relevant to the potential development of phytochemicals as antimicrobial agents.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2076-2087
Number of pages12
JournalCritical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Issue number8
Early online date19 Sep 2022
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


  • AMR
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • flavonoids
  • natural products
  • phenolics

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