Aerosol isotopic ammonium signatures over the remote Atlantic Ocean

C. T. Lin, T. D. Jickells, A. R. Baker, A. Marca, M. T. Johnson

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We report aerosol ammonium 15N signatures for samples collected from research cruises on the South Atlantic and Caribbean using a new high sensitivity method. We confirm a pattern of isotopic signals from generally light (δ15N -5 to -10‰), for aerosols with very low (<2nmol m-3) ammonium concentrations from the remote high latitude ocean, to generally heavier values (δ15N +5 to +10‰), for aerosols collected in temperate and tropical latitudes and with higher ammonium concentrations (>2nmol m-3). We discuss whether this reflects a mixing of aerosols from two end-members (polluted continental and remote marine emissions), or isotopic fractionation during aerosol transport.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165–169
Number of pages5
JournalAtmospheric Environment
Early online date11 Mar 2016
Publication statusPublished - May 2016


  • Atlantic Ocean
  • Ammonium aerosol
  • 15N

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