Agriculture green development in China and the UK: Common objectives and converging policy pathways

Yuelai Lu, David Norse, David Powlson

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This paper has three aims. First, to examine how the negative environmental consequences of intensive agriculture have driven China and the UK to shift away from narrowly focused farm output policies and adopt more holistic green development pathways. Second, to explore the policy objectives they have in common. Third, to assess the numerous opportunities for joint research and knowledge sharing through the Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network and other existing institutional mechanisms. The intensification of agricultural production in the UK started several decades earlier than in China as did the negative environmental consequences of the farm practices. However, their strategies and policies for sustainable intensification and green development have much in common. These are set out in two main documents: the Chinese State Council guidelines for green agriculture and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 25 Year Environment Plan. There are substantial mutual advantages from greater collaboration on problem identification and monitoring; the development of appropriate technological and management responses and the formulation of sound policies. To achieve this potential, it is recommended that further thought be given to how best to bring together all of the key stakeholders along the whole food chain.
Original languageEnglish
Article number98
Pages (from-to)98-105
Number of pages8
JournalFrontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering
Issue number1
Early online date17 Jan 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2020


  • Agriculture green development
  • China
  • Policy
  • UK

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