Air pollution in the Krusne Hory region, Czech Republic during the 1990s

H. A. Bridgman, T. D. Davies, T. Jickells, I. Hunova, K. Tovey, K. Bridges, V. Surapipith

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Emissions from the Black Triangle Region were considered to be the major source of air pollution problems in Europe during the 1990s. This discussion reviews the changes in emissions and pollution concentrations in the Krusne Hory Region (Czech Republic) in the winter half of the year during most of the past decade, and describes the relationships with meteorology. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is used as the example pollutant. The results show a decrease in pollution concentrations since 1996, as air pollution control and management strategies for important point sources take effect. The winter of 1995-1996 was especially harsh in the number of pollution episodes. Correlations between SO2 and meteorological parameters are inconsistent. Wind direction provides the best relationship at monitoring stations along the Krusne Hory Plateau, with wind speed and temperature more variable depending on month and location. For the valley stations, higher SO2 concentrations are strongly related to colder temperatures, higher relative humidities, and lower wind speeds. A case study during the winter of 1995-1996 (November 9-15) illustrated the importance of synoptic high pressure and a low-level inversion in minimizing plume dispersion from point sources. Specific sources of SO2 affecting each station could thus be identified.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3375-3389
Number of pages15
JournalAtmospheric Environment
Issue number21
Early online date5 Jun 2002
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2002

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