Almost block independence for the three dot ℤ2 dynamical system

Thomas B. Ward

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    We show that the measure preserving action of Z2 dual to the action defined by the commuting automorphisms ×x and ×y on the discrete group Z[x±1,y±1]/á1+x+yñZ[x±1,y±1] is measurably isomorphic to a Z2 Bernoulli shift. This was conjectured in recent work by Lind, Schmidt and the author, where it was shown that this action has completely positive entropy. An example is given of Z2 actions which are measursbly isomorphic without being topologically conjugate.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)237-256
    Number of pages20
    JournalIsrael Journal of Mathematics
    Issue number1-2
    Publication statusPublished - 1991

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