Antimicrobial resistance genes in multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica isolated from animals, retail meats, and humans in the United States and Canada

La Shanda M. Glenn, Rebecca L. Lindsey, Jason P. Folster, Gary Pecic, Patrick Boerlin, Mathew W. Gilmour, Heather Harbottle, Shaohua Zhao, Patrick F. Mcdermott, Paula J. Fedorka-Cray, Jonathan G. Frye

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Salmonella enterica is a prevalent foodborne pathogen that can carry multidrug resistance (MDR) and pose a threat to human health. Identifying the genetics associated with MDR in Salmonella isolated from animals, foods, and humans can help determine sources of MDR in food animals and their impact on humans. S. enterica serovars most frequently carrying MDR from healthy animals, retail meats, and human infections in the United States and Canada were identified and isolates resistant to the largest number of antimicrobials were chosen. Isolates were from U.S. slaughter (n=12), retail (9), and humans (9), and Canadian slaughter (9), retail (9), and humans (8; total n=56). These isolates were assayed by microarray for antimicrobial resistance and MDR plasmid genes. Genes detected encoded resistance to aminoglycosides (alleles of aac, aad, aph, strA/B); beta-lactams (blaTEM, blaCMY, bla PSE-1); chloramphenicol (cat, flo, cmlA); sulfamethoxazole (sulI); tetracycline (tet(A, B, C, D) and tetR); and trimethoprim (dfrA). Hybridization with IncA/C plasmid gene probes indicated that 27/56 isolates carried one of these plasmids; however, they differed in several variable regions. Cluster analysis based on genes detected separated most of the isolates into two groups, one with IncA/C plasmids and one without IncA/C plasmids. Other plasmid replicons were detected in all but one isolate, and included I1 (25/56), N (23/56), and FIB (10/56). The presence of different mobile elements along with similar resistance genes suggest that these genetic elements may acquire similar resistance cassettes, and serve as multiple sources for MDR in Salmonella from food animals, retail meats, and human infections.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)175-184
Number of pages10
JournalMicrobial Drug Resistance
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2013

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