Assessing logging impacts on fruit and nut production in the brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa): Implications for multiple-use forest management in western Amazonia

Cara A. Rockwell, Manuel R. Guariguata, Mary Menton, Eriks Arroyo Quispe, Eleanor Warren-Thomas, Julia Quaedvlieg

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Even though the foundation for multiple use forest management already exists in many rural communities, few studies have investigated whether timber and non-timber forest product (NTFP) extraction can be sustainably managed in the same systems. Of the thousands of NTFP species that exist in the Western Amazon, Bertholletia excelsa (Lecythidaceae), or Brazil nut, is currently the most economically valuable. Although local Brazil nut harvesters have expressed concern about reduced production in logged stands, no study to date has focused on the impact of timber harvesting on B. excelsa productivity levels. In 2012 and 2013, fruit and nut production of individual trees were determined in five recently logged Brazil nut concessions in Madre de Dios, Peru by following harvesters during the traditional collection period (January-April). Preliminary analyses will assess the influence of timber harvesting on fruit and nut production, based on a series of covariates [distance to nearest logging damage (gap/skid trail), logging intensity, logging damage to individual Brazil nut tree, distance to nearest conspecific, tree diameter, crown characteristics, soil type, and liana infestation]. The results from the study could determine if this valuable NTFP species can be sustainably managed in concert with timber extraction, potentially allowing for diversification of local livelihood and forest management strategies in the region.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jun 2013
EventNew Frontiers in Tropical Biology: The Next 50 Years (A Joint Meeting of ATBC and OTS) - San Jose, Costa Rica
Duration: 23 Jun 201327 Jun 2013


ConferenceNew Frontiers in Tropical Biology: The Next 50 Years (A Joint Meeting of ATBC and OTS)
Country/TerritoryCosta Rica
CitySan Jose

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