Benefit sharing in context: a comparative analysis of 10 land-use change case studies in Indonesia

Rodd Myers, Ashwin Ravikumar, Anne M. Larson

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


Key points
• In the absence of robust national or subnational policies for benefit sharing, land-use change initiatives in Indonesia have developed their own approaches to distributing benefits. At the local level, support and capacity building
are needed to strengthen intermediary institutions in order to improve governance and increase legitimacy when deciding how to share benefits.
• Nonmonetary benefits such as land tenure, capacity building, infrastructure and access to natural resources have been especially important. However, in some cases there are nonmonetary burdens associated with intended benefits.
• The legitimacy of benefit-sharing arrangements is determined more by the actors involved than the type of land- use change associated with them. Conservation initiatives, REDD+ projects and oil palm initiatives all exhibited both high and low levels of legitimacy in their benefit-sharing arrangements.
• The legitimacy of benefit-sharing arrangements can be compromised by the lack of broad consultation with local actors including customary authorities, lack of community control over access to land and limited livelihoods options for communities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBogor
PublisherCenter for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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