Border crossings in language intercultural encounters at the crossroads of disciplines

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This special issue brings together papers with a different focus and different outlooks: translation and cognitive processing, intercultural impoliteness, transnationals and impressions at work, intercultural parenting manuals, video games and localisation. All are concerned with intercultural communication, in its manifestations and impacts in different contexts. All are interdisciplinary in their approach, in their own distinctive ways.
These are defining features of this special issue of Multilingua, as they are of the journal’s aims. The volume has two interrelated goals: to promote synergies between disciplines with an overriding interest in the cross-linguistic study of language and to stimulate the interplay between them through reciprocal interrogation of methodologies and findings. It is also mindful of the impact agenda now vigorously pursued in research in most contexts, and intent on capitalizing on the consequent drive to interface theory and practice.
The volume’s main sites of interrogation and interaction are cross- and intercultural pragmatics and translation, with contributions at the junction of socio-cognitive and interactional pragmatics, cognitive linguistics, linguistic typology, discourse analysis, translation studies, cultural studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)711-719
Number of pages9
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 20 Aug 2015


  • cross-/intercultural pragmatics
  • translation
  • interdisciplinarity

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