Changes in life satisfaction over a two and a half year period among very elderly people living in London

Ann Bowling, Morag Farquhar, Emily Grundy, Juliet Formby

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57 Citations (Scopus)


Research evidence concerning the contributions of social networks and support to the subjective wellbeing (i.e. life satisfaction) of older persons is not consistent. This paper reports the results of an investigation of the effects life satisfaction at baseline, social network type and health status, on life satisfaction at follow-up at two and a half years later among people ages 85 + living in the East end of London. The percentage of the total variation in overall life satisfaction which was wxplained by the model was 47%. Baseline life satisfaction score explained most of this (43%), and the remaining variation was explained largely by functional status and age. Previous analyses of baseline life satisfaction reported that health and functional status had accounted for most of the variation between groups, far more than social network and support variables.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)641-655
Number of pages15
JournalSocial Science & Medicine
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Mar 1993


  • life satisfaction
  • health status
  • emotional well-being
  • social networks
  • old age
  • elderly

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