Children’s, parents’ and educators’ understandings and experiences of digital resilience: A systematic review and meta-ethnography

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Supporting children to be digitally resilient when facing online adversity is an increasingly important developmental task. However, conceptual knowledge underpinning digital resilience and how this operates among children and across their home, community and societal contexts is embryonic. A systematic review and meta-ethnography of research focusing on the understandings and experiences of digital resilience of children aged 8–12, their parents and educators identified 11 studies conducted since 2011 across 14 countries. Four main themes, ‘Using connective technologies’, ‘Risky online experiences’, ‘Mediation strategies’ (comprised of sub-themes ‘Proactive coping’ and ‘Reactive coping’), and ‘Risk and protective factors’ were constructed from our translation of first- and second-order constructs, with the overarching theme ‘Constant balancing’ cross-cutting these themes. We argue one cannot have risky online experiences without the potential to develop digital resilience and vice versa. Insofar as current conceptualisations of digital resilience underestimate the role played by wider contexts, important knowledge gaps are highlighted.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3018-3042
Number of pages25
JournalNew Media and Society
Issue number5
Early online date10 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


  • Children
  • digital resilience
  • educators
  • meta-ethnography
  • online risks
  • parents

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